Sommerzeit ist Lesezeit – Maurice Höfgen’s Lesetipps für Einsteiger und Finanznerds, für Strand und Schreibtisch! with english reading tips

Maurice Höfgen - Geld für die Welt - Der Newsletter für progressive Wirtschaftspolitik - One Dollar Note - Bondi Beach Library 3-7-2022 Sommerzeit ist Lesezeit - by Maurice Höfgen "Geld ist nicht knapp. Zeit aber schon. Deshalb: Augen auf bei der Lektürewahl! Weil ich häufig nach Lesetipps gefragt werde, habe ich eine kleine Auswahl … Continue reading Sommerzeit ist Lesezeit – Maurice Höfgen’s Lesetipps für Einsteiger und Finanznerds, für Strand und Schreibtisch! with english reading tips

Bears Bearing Biblical Bust? Markets to Expect Hellish Bonfire of Corrections ?

Is a global financial crisis inevitable? Does the end of QE means recession? Only austerity can cure inflation? The correction from Hell for asset evaluations? Stocks, shares, bonds, crypto, gold now and then updates 11-2022

Energy Tycoon Wipes out Ortho Dogma – Cost of Living, Levelling Up and the Windfall Tax

unemployment down, vacancies up, wages down, inflation up, universal credit down, national insurance up - Cost of Living Hits Hard. Hard Enough to Find Money in a Windfall Tax?

ECO CRISIS – The kids are not ok – Un jeune désespoir – The planetary climate clock, in human time – by Julia Steinberger

ECO CRISIS - The kids are not ok - Un jeune désespoir - The planetary climate clock, in human time - by Julia Steinberger

(IN)EQUALITY now(ish) with Thomas Piketty, Lisa Adkins etal, Brett Christophers, Edward Fullbrook etal, Tade Oludayo, Anthony B. Atkinson

global inEQUALITY now(ish) with Thomas Piketty, Lisa Adkins etal, Brett Christophers, Edward Fullbrook etal, Tade Oludayo, Anthony B. Atkinson

The Currency of Politics: The Political Theory of Money from Aristotle to Keynes – by Stefan Eich

Stefan Eich examines six crucial episodes of monetary crisis, recovering the neglected political theories of money in the thought of such figures as Aristotle, John Locke, Johann Gottlieb Fichte, Karl Marx, and John Maynard Keynes. He shows how these layers of crisis have come to define the way we look at money, and argues that informed public debate about money requires a better appreciation of the diverse political struggles over its meaning.

Neo-Liberal Market Failure?


Inequality – The Long View

This post points to several recent books on historic global inequality. “A Genetic History” by Carles Lalueza-Fox , “The Journey of Humanity: The Origins of Wealth and Inequality” by Oded Galor and “The Asset Economy and the End of Social Mobility” by Lisa Adkins, Melinda Cooper and Martijn Konings. But first a nod to the Dawn of Everything – A New History of Humanity by David Graeber and David Wengrow...

Origins and History of the Passions of War

In BLOOD RITES, Barbara Ehrenreich confronts the mystery of the human attraction to violence: What draws our species to war and even makes us see it as a kind of sacred undertaking? BLOOD RITES takes us on an original journey from the elaborate human sacrifices of the ancient world to the carnage and holocaust of twentieth-century "total war."

hetero highlights > Monetäre Kriegsführung – global supply chains at war – Austrian war propaganda – US sabotage for quants – Dutch monetary enlightenment – global post neo-liberal economics – diversity and disaggregation – Covid democracy in Cuba – Marxist revival in Japan

Monetäre Kriegsführung - global supply chains at war - Austrian war propaganda - US sabotage for quants - Dutch Monetary Enlightenment - global post neo-liberal economics - diversity and disaggregation - Covid democracy in Cuba - Marxist revival in Japan

DIE MONETÄRE MASCHINE – Aaron Sahr’s Kritik der Finanziellen Vernunft

DIE MONETÄRE MASCHINE - Kritik der Finanziellen Vernunft - Aaron Sahr - Rezensionen, Buchbesprechungen, Pressestimmen, Podcasts, Videos -

hetero highlights

next generation political economy - hetero research - quantum , crypto, feminist, degrowth economics, monetary mechanics, NFT, metaverse, D Orrell, Y Veroufakis,

DEGROWTH – ALT-, non GDP- post-growth – updates

updates here see also 2021 degrowth-auf-deutsch/ 2020 decroissance-for-xmas-anyone/ 2020 greta +g rowth 2019 stiglitz-wants-gdp-retired/ climate crisis eco crisis ecological economics energy Greenwash Green Finance/Investment/ESG Growth! What Growth? natural resources Pluriverse Post -capitalist, -colonial, -growth sustainability degrowth updates 12-2023 4-12-2023 I’m not buying new stuff any more’: the young people getting into ‘degrowth’- Amid … Continue reading DEGROWTH – ALT-, non GDP- post-growth – updates

updates – Crash? What Crash!

Land&Wine Who says US rates will go up for real? Maybe the Fed's endlessly extended expectation will do. No real rise yet but there has been worried talk of liquidity problems all along. Bears may gasp for breath as the very idea of de-leveraging seems to evaporate. Unperturbed, the ageing bull isn't roaring but keeps … Continue reading updates – Crash? What Crash!

David Orrell’s Quantum Money Magic – a must-read for would-be economists

book review- David Orrell's impressive, intelligent and imaginative bomb of a book is a highly recommended read for all connoisseurs of curiosity and hope and an absolute must-read for would-be economists. - Before you invest years of your time and 1000s of your dollars to practice 101 Mankiw, take time to read this book. Don't pay big bucks before you've read this quantum leap of a mind-bender destroying incumbent thought like there is a tomorrow. It'll reach parts of your quantum brain you could never code into clockwork DSGE. Read this book to reconsider the relevant marginal utilites. Especially if you are a bit of a quant, a bit nerdy or a bit curious.

updates – archive annotated 2021-22

UPDATES #agency- attention, consciousness, IDentity #commons #democracy MONEY #finance #monetary/fiscal #inflation #markets - ALTcurrencies- #CBDC, #crypto- bitcoin #internet- big tech, web, metaverse ECONOMICS- #hetero research #ortho mainstream #housing #INEQUALITY #population #work- trading, gig #science ECO-logical crises- #climate, #biodiversity #sustainability #energy- nuclear, greenwashing #food, farming, agriculture #"green"GDP-GROWTH, decoupling, techno fix, Bill Gates #green techno, re-use #growth, eco-crisis, #GDP #plastic POLLUTION- futures, microplastics, export #green investment, ESG #greenwashing #pre-HISTORY- ID, gender, archeology, anthropology - Dawn of History by D. Graeber, D. Wengow #ancient to classic #classic to modern #global justice- colonialism, ecology/earth sciences, eco-crisis, monetary/IMF #slave trade, racism #hidden history

Milton Friedman’s Interest Rate Fallacy

strange positive correlation between borrowing volumes and interest rate levels? - uncreditworthy businesses are altogether excluded from global debt markets...

Neue Wirtschafts Woche – Heiner Flassbeck’s Schuldenbremse, Ulrike Herrmann zur Ampel, Quantum Ökonomik, Plurale Ökonomik, Gamm’s Geld, QE + Mehr!

Schnittstelle zwischen Wirtschafts- und Naturwissenschaften - Quantum Economics von David Orell - Ulrike Herrmann Ampelkoalition - Geld als Buchfuehrung - Paul Steinhardt zu QE - Einfuehrung zum Thema Geld

The “Selling” of DeGrowth – or how to soft sell the hardest sale ever – by John Feffer

source: John Feffer 2021 , originally published 20-12-2021 by Foreign Policy In Focus GaiaMoney is revisiting DeGrowth for Xmas with John Feffer's question: "Can those who advocate hitting the brakes on economic growth get their message across before it’s too late?" "Over the last three decades, a growing number of scientists and ecologists have argued … Continue reading The “Selling” of DeGrowth – or how to soft sell the hardest sale ever – by John Feffer

Myth of Money – Story of Power – Stephen Zarlenga’s Lost Science of Money

deutsch hier > Stephen Zarlenga’s Der Mythos vom Geld – Die Geschichte der Macht “...marvelously helpful and has some stunning historical vistas..." Hugh Downs “...provides the needed background for seeing the basic structural issues at work" Michael Hudson “...a masterful work” Michael Kumhof Given Stephen Zarlenga turns out to be a prominent proponent of money … Continue reading Myth of Money – Story of Power – Stephen Zarlenga’s Lost Science of Money

Stephen Zarlenga’s Der Mythos vom Geld – Die Geschichte der Macht

Der Titel “Der Mythos vom Geld – die Geschichte der Macht” trifft das Buch doppelt gut, denn es ist nicht nur eine chartalistische Geschichte von Geld als Macht, sondern gerade die Geschichte der Verschleierung dieser Macht…

Breaking Old News: HIERARCHY REDISTRIBUTES INCOME – US Inequality for Quants – by Blair Fix

Watch Blair Fix talk about how corporate hierarchies create income inequality, and make the rich get richer. "This paper explores the idea that the (re)distribution of top incomes is uniform because it is shaped by a ubiquitous feature of social life, namely hierarchy. Using a model first developed by Herbert Simon and Harold Lydall, I show … Continue reading Breaking Old News: HIERARCHY REDISTRIBUTES INCOME – US Inequality for Quants – by Blair Fix


Neu auf GaiaGeld: GeldWirtschaftsWoche präsentiert einen zukunftsfähigen Blick auf die Geld- und Wirtschaftsforschung jenseits der offiziellen Heilslehre und Tagespresse. Hier sammelm wir heterodoxe ÖkonomInnen und SozialwissenschaftlerInnen zum Thema Zukunft (der politschen Ökonomie). Wir beginnen zufällig aber passend mit Alt-Hetero Heiner Flassbeck's neuestem Kommentar zu Ampel, Arbeit, Energie und Inflation. Ausserdem eine gründliche deutsche Widerlegung der … Continue reading SCHAU NEU AUF DIE WIRTSCHAFT

Agent Orange? Bildungslücke der Ampelkoalition emittiert Aktienrente

pensions updates here Sehr Geehrte Ampel, In dem Glauben dass Sie meine freischaffenden Interessen am ehesten vertreten, möchte ich mich als Selbstständiger primär an Gelb, sekundär an Rot und zu guter Letzt an Grün wenden. Freiheit, Gerechtigkeit, Nachhaltigkeit - das ist gut. Ich freue mich Sie wollen auf dem Weg dorthin Fortschritt wagen. Gerade was … Continue reading Agent Orange? Bildungslücke der Ampelkoalition emittiert Aktienrente

Vorsprung durch Grünwasch

Ersparen Sie Grün? Im ewigen Kampf um die relative Kapitalisierung freut Bloomberg sich am Reputationsschaden einer populären Deutschen Grünwaschanlage. Trotz Kreditschwemme ist der Job der Vermögensverwalter nicht einfacher geworden. Der Anleger erwartet zwar Bitcoinartige Gewinne, möchte aber nicht mehr im Sklavenhandel stecken, zumindest nicht wissentlich, da das zu unangenehmen Schlafstörungen führt. Sklavenfreier Zucker? So versprechen … Continue reading Vorsprung durch Grünwasch

Oeconomia oder die ewig wachsende Schuld des Geldes

Genial surft Carmen Losmann die Lernkurve des Geldes Die 2009 Krise machte die Filmemacherin neugierig. Kuriosität im Rücken, macht sie sich auf die Reise. Da war Sie nicht die einzige. Auch ich gehöre zu einer seither massiv gewachsenen Kohorte neuerer Geldforscher. Neuere Geldforschung Losmann's Erkenntnistrip hat allerdings was besonderes. Statt akademische Experten oder Geldreformer zu … Continue reading Oeconomia oder die ewig wachsende Schuld des Geldes

Cop-out CoP and the elephant in the room

eco-crisis-footprint-updates here I am copping out of my CoP post. I am way off target. Instead of editing my article reviews I got lost in a meandering mishmash of a maybe essay on money, value and growth. Like "Growth! What Growth?" Trying to think (too) big was probably inspired by the Dawn of Everything. I've … Continue reading Cop-out CoP and the elephant in the room

Halloween news

GaiaMoney will always be a work in progress and reconstruction continues. But we are no longer a building site. A COP post is in the pipeline. Meanwhile check out October's updates. Or read this post from the archives. Just follow the money...


book reviews -The Dawn of Everything - A New History of Humanity by David Graeber and David Wengrow - 'This is not a book. This is an intellectual feast' Nassim Nicholas Taleb - click image to read