Real World Economics Review Out Now: positional vs MMT money, power narratives, viral neoliberalism, blundering equilibrium, teaching hetero 101 productivity, zero evidence free trade, de-externalising stress, Scottish currencies, GDP and Jayati Ghosh’s political economy of development - gg/pdf 9-2022 Real World Economics Review download here Two conceptions of the nature of money: clarifying differences between MMT and money theories sponsored by social positioning theory - by Tony Lawson ..."...unlike conceptions of the nature of money and money histories etc., the policy proposals associated with MMT, in their basics, do not … Continue reading Real World Economics Review Out Now: positional vs MMT money, power narratives, viral neoliberalism, blundering equilibrium, teaching hetero 101 productivity, zero evidence free trade, de-externalising stress, Scottish currencies, GDP and Jayati Ghosh’s political economy of development

Oeconomia oder die ewig wachsende Schuld des Geldes

Genial surft Carmen Losmann die Lernkurve des Geldes Die 2009 Krise machte die Filmemacherin neugierig. Kuriosität im Rücken, macht sie sich auf die Reise. Da war Sie nicht die einzige. Auch ich gehöre zu einer seither massiv gewachsenen Kohorte neuerer Geldforscher. Neuere Geldforschung Losmann's Erkenntnistrip hat allerdings was besonderes. Statt akademische Experten oder Geldreformer zu … Continue reading Oeconomia oder die ewig wachsende Schuld des Geldes

Money Parables – MMT + commodity money – Owen Davis – 2019

—   Owen Davis 2019 - In the past year, Modern Monetary Theory (MMT) has shifted the policy debate in a way that few heterodox schools of economic thought have in recent memory. MMT’s central notion—that nations with their own strong currencies face no inherent financial constraints—has made its way into politics and, notably, the world of finance. … Continue reading Money Parables – MMT + commodity money – Owen Davis – 2019

“Digital Corrections – will crypto save capitalism, and the FED ?”

The FED has no way of re-balancing or raising rates without crashing the markets. The FED doesn't want to take the blame. Not again. Even though the markets are crying out for a correction.  There is no discipline. The level of incontinence is unprecedented. QE has got to stop. But how? One would like new … Continue reading “Digital Corrections – will crypto save capitalism, and the FED ?”

MONEY – the true story of a made up thing – by JACOB GOLDSTEIN

This crisp little pick 'n' mix history of money by Jacob Goldstein  makes for an easy, entertaining read. As gripping as a money book can be it has the light touch of journalistic storytelling, veined by vivid vignettes and sorted around some refreshingly newish themes. Like China's paper money phase or a chapter on John … Continue reading MONEY – the true story of a made up thing – by JACOB GOLDSTEIN

De facto MMT disequilibrating DSGE ?

Turns out Peter Bofinger is not the only  German economist who can  see MMT across the sea.  There is at least one other.  Maybe more to follow? "Say it quietly, but Germany has learnt the lessons of Keynes," argues Thorvaldur Gylfason. Mind you, he is talking fiscal largesse, not ECB money.  In the "we are … Continue reading De facto MMT disequilibrating DSGE ?

MMT Modern Monetary Theory

MMT portal page - fiscal, macro. monetary - updates below - see also 1/2021 De-facto MMT disequilibrating DSGE ? 9/202o German Economist Seess MMT Across the Sea 9/2019 Apropos of MMT 2/2019 MMT and Millennial Socialism US/UK  Monetary/Fiscal EURO Monetary/Fiscal MMT - updates - 11-2023,pdf - gg/pdf 1-2023 Verglüht der Stern der Modern Monetary … Continue reading MMT Modern Monetary Theory

German Economist sees MMT across the sea

update (25/1/2021) - sroll down for original post - Peter Bofinger  "Corona - Krise  :  Stunde der MMT?" Plurale Ökonomik  : "Wie funktioniert unser Geldsystem, was macht eine Zentralbank und welche Ursachen haben Finanzkrisen? Diesen und weiteren Fragen wird in der Ringvorlesung Finanzkrisen und Geldsysteme“ nachgegangen...." more on youtube       or watch below: Vortrag … Continue reading German Economist sees MMT across the sea

Creditors Kill Europe

In a pre-summit article, German finance and foreign ministers Olaf Scholz and Heiko Maas  suggest flexible ESM adjustments to provide  "quick and targeted relief... (and) ... a pan-European guarantee fund to secure loans ... (so)  the European Investment Bank (EIB) would ensure liquidity for small and medium-sized enterprises in the EU countries." read the whole … Continue reading Creditors Kill Europe

Billionaires Chip In A Trillion

inequality, super rich, billionaires updates here Speaking for the  The Giving Pledge campaign group, Bill Gates has announced their plan to make an unprecedented contribution to the current crisis. The aim is to commit 10% of their wealth to help all those who are falling through the net of the current rescue packages, including all the … Continue reading Billionaires Chip In A Trillion


Is the coronavirus an act of green terrorism? Allegedly the currently globalising  coronavirus did not just accidentally escape from the  Wuhan virology lab  but was deliberately smuggled out by a 21 year old researcher and self declared Greta Thunberg fan.  "I wanted to disrupt the earth-killing global economy" declared the biochemistry student who sneaked out … Continue reading Crisis!

Apropos of MMT…

There has been an explosion of attention for MMT this year. Most coverage is rather superficial, either bagging manna from heaven or burning a straw man. Having initially dismissed MMT as "socialist quackery" The Economist eventually produced a perhaps surprisingly cautious article  (read GayaMoney copy here). But for more serious engagement it is best to consult primary sources, … Continue reading Apropos of MMT…