Digitales Zentral Bank Geld : Geld zwischen Schleier und Tabu (3)

TheEconomist zur Dominanz des Kreditgeldes, dessen Missachtung durch die orthodoxe Ökonomie und die Schwierigkeiten einer Wirtschafts-Wissenschaft ohne Mensch und Geld

Crisis? What Crisis!

"Almost no chance of a recession this year", concludes Barron's roundtable, "markets will gain despite looming risks."  "Recession has been "priced out in a rally for the record books" booms bloomberg and forbes feels that now "only the perennial bears believe" in a 2020 recession. Investors "go into the new decade with a spring in … Continue reading Crisis? What Crisis!

Lagarde Adagio Offuscato

Expect nothing but a repeat variation of  her 2012 Wolfgang Schäuble laudatio  from consummate diplomat Christine Lagarde today.  This is not the time to tell the Germans to get over their Schwarze Null fetish and spend money. Maybe there will be the odd softly spoken hint at clever new injection technology tunneling through southern debt mountains toward … Continue reading Lagarde Adagio Offuscato

QE5: QE farce wants to be Mousetrap

The “hell-has-no-fury like a creditor financially-repressed” farce continues, apparently intent on outdoing the London Mousetrap  with this stubborn repeat of the ancient tragedy of debtors versus creditors ? Or as bloomberg puts it "Anti-Draghi Revolt at ECB Still Won't Die." The FT tells us that the bank’s “…monetary policy committee … advised against resuming its bond purchases. … (and … Continue reading QE5: QE farce wants to be Mousetrap