Zahlmeister entpuppt sich als Milchmädchen

The UK's Daily Express daily feeds Brexiteers with eye-popping revelations about the imminent implosion of the EU .  One soon learns not to put one's money on those.  But the unearthing of a 2year old CEP report  caught my attention. It's got some eye-popping numbers relevant to Germany's idea of it's position in Europe : … Continue reading Zahlmeister entpuppt sich als Milchmädchen

MONEY – the true story of a made up thing – by JACOB GOLDSTEIN

This crisp little pick 'n' mix history of money by Jacob Goldstein  makes for an easy, entertaining read. As gripping as a money book can be it has the light touch of journalistic storytelling, veined by vivid vignettes and sorted around some refreshingly newish themes. Like China's paper money phase or a chapter on John … Continue reading MONEY – the true story of a made up thing – by JACOB GOLDSTEIN

Lagarde geht mit der ZEIT

Lagarde goes with DIE ZEIT: click here for english version Wie erwartet war Christine Lagarde's erste deutsche Rede eine diplomatische Meisterleistung. Sanft verpackt in die Watte der Wolfgang Laudatio war die dialektische Botschaft : Sich an die Regeln zu halten bedeutet bisweilen sie zu verändern. Aber schon im ersten deutschen Zeitungsinterview (nicht mit der FAZ … Continue reading Lagarde geht mit der ZEIT

Lagarde Adagio Offuscato

Expect nothing but a repeat variation of  her 2012 Wolfgang Schäuble laudatio  from consummate diplomat Christine Lagarde today.  This is not the time to tell the Germans to get over their Schwarze Null fetish and spend money. Maybe there will be the odd softly spoken hint at clever new injection technology tunneling through southern debt mountains toward … Continue reading Lagarde Adagio Offuscato

QE5: QE farce wants to be Mousetrap

The “hell-has-no-fury like a creditor financially-repressed” farce continues, apparently intent on outdoing the London Mousetrap  with this stubborn repeat of the ancient tragedy of debtors versus creditors ? Or as bloomberg puts it "Anti-Draghi Revolt at ECB Still Won't Die." The FT tells us that the bank’s “…monetary policy committee … advised against resuming its bond purchases. … (and … Continue reading QE5: QE farce wants to be Mousetrap

QE1 : End of (His)story

Monetary policy - end of history?  by  Sabine Lautenschläger (with caw commenting) In 1992, the political scientist Francis Fukuyama announced the end of history. The cold war had just ended, and in Fukuyama’s view, this marked “the endpoint of mankind’s ideological evolution”. Liberal democracy had prevailed; the final form of government had been reached. There was … Continue reading QE1 : End of (His)story