
Soft recession? Landing soft, feeling hard!

3-24 Tom Krebs, Isabella Weber: Hesitant price controls deflated German wages + living standards?

17-3-24 Angus Deaton: Allocation of scarce resources the wrong turn toward irrelevance?

3-24 Quantum ending naturalism? Goodbye, Richard Dawkins, and hello, Bishop Berkeley?

14-3-24 No-landing scenario is a “silly”& metrics are still flashing recession, says LaVorgna 

14-3-24 CBDC’s – Countries closing in on digital currencies but US lagging

14-3-24 New Happy”: Rethinking happiness through science and philosophy

12-3-24 Bitcoin not a medium of exchange?

12-3-24 Workplace AI, robots and trackers bad for quality of life

3-24 Cal Newport’s productivity gospel by Courtney Weaver

8-3-24 Economist reviews Josephine Quinn’s “How the World Made the West”

8-3-24 Oil industry: Fighting electric transition since the 1960’s

8-3-24 Eco-terrorists strike E-Car makers Tesla and Rivian

1-3-24 Banks becoming ‘Bitcoin whales’

1-3-24 Energy as factor of production ?

29-2-24 Fossil Fuels – Big Oil’s climate change solutions defy gravity

28-2-24 Climate change in Africa – 30% drop in crop revenue, 50 million without water

3-23 Nominality of Money – Theory of Credit Money + Chartalism – by Atsushi Naito

29-2-24 900 years of “Normal Women,” Philippa Gregory

28-2-24 Rethinking history – How the World Made the West – book review

27-2-24 Markets: Hard landing guaranteed?

26-2-24 The Power of Money – Monetics against corruption by Martí Olivella -1992

25-2-24 Coming Soon to Everywhere: (Not just) China’s property crisis

1-3-24 (socio) eco(logical) economics and economic growth

1-3-24 The False Promise of Carbon Capture as a Climate Solution

23-2-2024 Coming recession to send markets down 40%?

23-2-24 Worries about America’s $34 trillion national debts

20-2-24 Why are Europe’s farmers struggling with mental health?

19-2-24 Reviving humanist explanations by Giuseppina D’oro 

16-2-24 Capitalist narratives -Selling American capitalism

8-2-24 Inequality – Three books on limiting extreme wealth

1-2-24 Nassim Taleb: U.S. is in a ‘death spiral’ over government debt

1-24 (Wars in) Consciousness Research updated

1-24 The Economist revisits Phillips Curve

27-1-24 Fed’s BTFP money printing for banks

27-1-24 What is the point of ESG ratings?

27-1-24 Why is the US still in such poor health

27-1-24 Empireworld by Sathnam Sanghera Reviewed

25-1-24 Markets – Shrinking credit signals recession?

24-1-24 AI’s Achilles Heel

24-1-24 Springer Nature versus Theory and Society

24-1-24 Reviewed: The Last Writings of Thomas S. Kuhn

22-1-24 ExxonMobil sues investors to block climate petition

1-24 Ultra-Processed People addicted to Ultra Processed Food

14-1-24 Evolution less unpredictable as once believed

17-1-24 How social media algorithms ‘flatten’ our culture

1-24 An INTERMEDIATION Theory of Money – by M. K. Brunnermeier, Y. Sannikov

20-1-24 What the West forgot about Democracy

19-1-24 Half of recent US inflation due to high corporate profits?

18-1-24 ‘A tribal clique’: Lagarde denounces economists

17-1-24 How social media algorithms ‘flatten’ our culture

11-1-24 Plastic nanoparticles – Why scientists are giving up bottled water

10-1-24 The social housing secrets of Vienna, the world’s most liveable city

1-2024 rethinking human evolution and pre-history

2024 Preview Mariana Mazzucato’s Mission-oriented Development Banks

2024 markets bound to surprise?

31-12-23 Dark Arts of central banks to be exposed to light of public debate?

12-23 Brian Merchant’s Blood in the Machine – Big Tech and the Return of The Luddites

25-12-23 India wanted to buy oil in rupees. No seller wanted to get involved

12-23 David Leonhardt’s End of the American Dream reviewed

12-23 Assessing myths and greenwashing claims surrounding electric cars

11-23 Reviewed: George Musser’s ‘Putting Ourselves Back in the Equation’

22-12-2023 Markets – Five surprises for 2024 by Stephen Dover

19-12-2023 Eight predictions for AI in 2024

17-12-23 Market Prospects 2024 – Bears not buying Fed’s Xmas giveaway

18-12-23 Schuldenbremse aktualisiert

16-12-23 Bank of England not necessary, says landmark IEA ‘free banking’ book

E12-12-23 E-books are fast becoming tools of corporate surveillance

9-12-2023 Coming Soon: EU China trade war over electric cars?

7-12 23 It’s the cheap supply, stupid! Economist kills despair with Fentanyl

1-12-23 This Is Money – How to fix the housing market

4-12 -23 Long QE – Does the Broken Bond Market Need Fixing? by The Economist

4-12-23 ‘I’m not buying new…”’: the young people getting into ‘degrowth’

12-2023 COP28 & Climate (In)action Updates

2-12-2023 The Economist, again, on German Schuld, Schulden, Schuldenbremse

2-12-23 MP’s worried about digital pound

29-11-2023 OECD: Tough central banks foreclosing soft landing?

27-11-2023 UK’s top rich are the most expensive top 1% group in Europe

11-2023 Business consultants in intensive care?

26-11-23 Housing wealth is meaningless, destructive and entrenches inequality?

24-11-23 Odyssey Of The Hydrogen Fleet: A Tragicomedy

24-11-23 Motor emissions could have fallen by over 30% without SUV trend

24-11-23 Maurice Hoefgen: Was die Aussetzung der Schuldenbremse jetzt bedeutet

19-11-23 Official WSJ news: Wall Street’s ESG Craze Is Fading

16-11-23 AI is coming for our jobs! Could universal basic income save us?

15-11-23 Richard Thompson: How to stop microplastics

15-11-23 Schwarze Null Forever: BVG Judges resuscitate German Debt-brake

13-11-23 Market prospects, the FED, Inflation’s final mile and the Philipps Curve

11-11 Markets: Forget the S&P 500. Pay attention to the S&P 493!

11-11 -23 UK housing-as-investment property dream turning nightmare?

9-11-23 Jetzt auch auf deutsch: Wohnraum primär als Investition !?

11-23 Human/Machine – The CASA theory no longer applies to desktop computers?

11-23 Political Philosophy : ON Isaiah Berlin’s Two Concepts of Liberty

8-11-23 New gg-page – Tim Di Muzio on Debt, Eco-Crises, Energy, Inequality, Money, Power

11-23 Big Oil is coming for dinner: Fossil fuels are entrenched across global food system

3-11-23 Microbes to turn plastic pollution into useful chemicals?

3-11-23 Die Zukunft des Internets – Google Vor Gericht

11-23 Is the Economic System Incompatible with Climate Action?

11-23 The Foods With the Largest Environmental Impact?

11-23 Douglas Rushkoff: Why I’m Finally Leaving X and Probably All Social Media

10-23 Differential debt signalling -what markets are trying to tell Europe

31-10-23 Consciousness, Free Will + Being Human – new books by D. C. Dennett, K. J. Mitchell + J.E. LeDoux

28-10-23 Blair Fix: When Stocks Go Up, Who Benefits?

10-23 Coca-Cola bottle tops from CO2? – New green tech carbon capture variations

21-10-23 EU ESG – 50,000 companies to report climate impact

21-10-23 Markets – A mountain of worry for investors by Katie Martin

21-10-23 ft’s David Aaronovitch reviews new books on Identity and Cancel Culture

19-10-23 Not just Lidl’s plastic packaging dumped in poor Myanmar communities

>inflation, inequality

fortune.com 18-10-2023 Inflation has made the 1%—and the middle class—richer – If you’re in the 1% or middle class, inflation has actually made you richer, according to a top economist who’s been researching inequality for over 40 years – By Will Daniel

Throughout his career, famed economist Milton Friedman described inflation as a “hidden tax.” When prices rise consistently, he warned, they cut into consumers’ purchasing power, forcing them to earn more money (and pay more in taxes) to maintain the same lifestyle. On top of that, nominal wage and revenue increases during periods of high inflation can end up pushing an unlucky group of consumers and businesses into higher tax brackets even as their purchasing power falls—an effect called “bracket creep.” …

18-10-23 ECB starts preparation for digital euro in multi-year project

18-10-23 Markets : Should we fear the rapid rise of interest rates?

17-10-2023 Why Ecological Footprint Analysis Is Flawed

16-10-23 Deep neural networks don’t see the world the way we do

16-10-23 new SUVs emit more climate damaging gas than older ones

14-10-23 Economist: Who profits most from America’s baffling health-care system?

>gender inequality, Nobel prize

economist.com/ 14-10-2023 Claudia Goldin wins the Nobel prize in economics – Her work has overturned assumptions about gender equality

…Before Ms Goldin’s work, economists had thought that economic growth led to a more level playing field. In fact, Ms Goldin showed, the Industrial Revolution drove married women out of the labour force, as production moved from home to factory. In research published in 1990 she demonstrated that it was only in the 20th century, when service-sector jobs proliferated and high-school education developed, that the more familiar pattern emerged. The relationship between the size of Western economies and female-labour-force participation is u-shaped—a classic Goldin result.

Ms Goldin’s research has busted other myths, too. Lawrence Katz, her colleague and husband, marvels at her ability to trawl archives to fill gaps in the historical data on women’s work. Simple statistics, such as the female employment rate, were mismeasured because when surveyed, women might respond “I’m a housewife”, notes Ms Goldin, even if they managed the family business. Once corrected, the employment rate for white married women, for example, was 12.5% in 1890—five times greater than previously thought.

image: the economist

Her findings also showed that the gender wage gap narrowed in bursts. Women’s wages rose relative to men’s in 1820-50 and then again in 1890-1930, before shooting up in 1980-2005 (see chart). What drove these bursts? The initial two came well before the equal-pay movement and were caused by changes in the labour market: first, during the Industrial Revolution; second, during a surge in white-collar employment for occupations like clerical work. For the third and most substantial drop, in the late 20th century, Ms Goldin emphasises the role of expectations….

Since around 2005 the wage gap has hardly budged. Here Ms Goldin’s work questions popular narratives that continue to blame wage discrimination. Instead, in a book published in 2021, Ms Goldin blames “greedy” jobs, such as being a consultant or lawyer, which offer increasing returns to long (and uncertain) hours….

Ms Goldin’s research holds lessons for economists and policymakers. For the former group, it shows the importance of history. Ms Goldin’s prize is the first economics Nobel awarded for work largely in economic history since Robert Fogel, her former adviser, triumphed in 1993. Before Ms Goldin’s research, many academics considered questions about historical gender pay gaps to be unanswerable because of a paucity of data. Yet she has repeatedly demonstrated that digging through historical archives allows researchers to credibly answer big questions previously thought beyond their reach. For policymakers, Ms Goldin’s research demonstrates that fixes for gender inequality vary depending on time and place. In early 20th-century America, companies barred married women from obtaining or retaining employment. A policy response came with the Civil Rights Act of 1964, which banned such behaviour. Today, wage gaps persist because of greedy jobs and parental norms, rather than because of straightforward employer discrimination. In the past, Ms Goldin has suggested more flexibility in the workplace could be a solution to the problem. Perhaps working out how to achieve it will be her next act. 


economicsfromthetopdown.com 13-10-2023 The Great Gatsby Curve Among America’s Über Rich – by Blair Fix

…Since the 1980s, the wealthiest Americans have gotten richer, both in dollar terms, but also relative to other Americans. Figure 5 shows one way to look at the pattern. The colored lines plot the net worth of the three richest Americans, measured relative to the American median wealth. The trend may look linear, but don’t be fooled. The horizontal axis uses a log scale. Since 1983, the relative net worth of the richest American increased by about a factor of forty. The second and third spots were not far behind. So in modern American, the rich have gotten richer relative to the average person. But that’s not all. It turns out that there’s a fractal pattern to this rising inequality. No matter where we look, we find that the rich have pulled away from their less-fortunate brethren….

Figure 5: The rich have gotten richer — the net worth of the three richest Americans relative to the American median wealth. Compared to the median American, the three richest Americans have gotten (much) richer. Note the log scale on the vertical axis. [Sources and methods]

>fossil fuels

euronews.com 13-20-2023 New World Bank president signals that time is up on billion euro subsidies for fossil fuels

Fossil fuel and agricultural subsidies should be redirected to climate action, Ajay Banga suggested at the bank’s annual meeting. The World Bank’s new president has called into question the vast amounts of money that governments spend subsidising fossil fuels. Speaking at the bank’s annual meeting in Morocco on Wednesday, Ajay Banga said that the $1.25 trillion (€1.18 tn) that goes towards making fuel, fisheries and agriculture cheaper every year is too much. These three sectors are responsible for up to $6 trillion (€5.7 tn) of environmental impact, and the bank wants to see climate change action prioritised instead. “I’m not saying to get rid of all of those. I consider some of those subsidies mission-critical to the social contract with the government and its citizens. But I don’t believe that $1.25 trillion qualifies,” Banga told a panel at the annual meetings of the International Monetary Fund (IMF) and World Bank in Marrakech. “I just believe that this topic of subsidies needs discussion,” he said, acknowledging that it was not a popular topic given the politics involved. Governments around the world spend nearly half a trillion euros a year on making the use of fossil fuels cheaper, according to an IMF report from 2021. …

>science, epistemology, knowledge

nature.com 12-10-2023 Reproducibility trial: 246 biologists get different results from same data sets – Wide distribution of findings shows how analytical choices drive conclusions. – by Anil Oza

>consciousness, psychology, neuroscience

neurosciencenews.comtcd.iecell.com 12-10-2023 Does Consciousness Begin Before Birth? by Fiona Tyrrell

Source – “Consciousness in the cradle: on the emergence of infant experience” by Tim Bayne et al. Trends in Cognitive Sciences

Summary – Newfound evidence indicates that conscious experiences start as early as in late pregnancy. The study suggests that an infant’s brain is capable of forming conscious experiences that shape their emergent self and environmental understanding. This research, deeply embedded in the mysteries of infant consciousness, utilizes recent advancements in identifying consciousness markers through brain imaging in adults, applying these to assess infant consciousness. Thus, the findings not only illuminate the early onset of consciousness but also bring forth pivotal clinical, ethical, and potential legal implications.

  • Markers of Consciousness: The study utilizes brain imaging markers, proven to indicate consciousness in adults, to assess consciousness in infants for the first time.
  • Sensory Integration: Newborns appear capable of integrating sensory and developing cognitive responses into coherent conscious experiences, aiding in understanding others’ actions and formulating responses.
  • Perceptual Capacities: Infants, while being aware of fewer items and taking longer to perceive their surroundings than adults, can process a wider variety of information, such as sounds from varied languages.

>history classic to modern

historytoday.comamazon.co.uk 10-10-2023 Empires of the Steppes: The Nomadic Tribes Who Shaped Civilisation by Kenneth W. Harl is a rollercoaster of historical narration – review by Barnaby Rogerson 

… The book is a rollercoaster of historical narration, covering 45 centuries of relentless conflict emanating from the grassland steppes in Central Asia. ..

By 3500 bc, the various scattered communities of hunters and sheep herders had domesticated the horse, and soon after developed wheeled ox-carts to carry their families and felt tents with them. The ensuing mobility can be traced by the wide dissemination of Indo-European culture, followed by wave after wave of further invasions, empowered by such steppe inventions as the chariot, the stirrup and, most potent of all, the composite bow and the armoured knight.

It is fascinating to discover how much restless, murderous energy was spent on internal fighting against rival clans, tribes and confederations. There were no wars that could not be won were the nomad tribes to unite, but there was always a geographical determinant at work that placed a limit on their expansion. They required grassland for their horses, which for a cavalry army could number hundreds of thousands. Though there were noble lineages among the tribes, a remarkable equality in dress, diet and work helped bind warrior society together. The understanding that leadership could only be achieved through violence and maintained by cruelty was balanced by religious tolerance. …

4-10-23 Plundered Gaulish silver in the mix of Roman monetary policy

7-10-23 Angus Deaton: Economists should serve Society, not Inequality

>markets, valuations

economist.com 29-9-2023 Why fear is spreading in financial markets – Investors have begun to confront the long-haul reality of high interest rates

According to T.S Eliot, April is the cruellest month. Shareholders would disagree. For them, it is September. The rest of the year stocks tend to rise more often than not. Since 1928, the ratio of monthly gains to losses in America’s s&p 500 index, excluding September, has been about 60/40. But the autumn chill seems to do something to the market’s psyche. In September the index has dropped 55% of the time. True to form, after a jittery August it has spent recent weeks falling. Such a calendar effect flies in the face of the idea that financial markets are efficient. After all, asset prices ought only to move in response to new information (future cash flows, for instance). Predictable fluctuations should be identified, exploited and arbitraged away by traders. Yet this September there is no mystery about what is going on: investors have learned, or rather accepted, something new. High interest rates are here for the long haul. ..

fortune.com 27-9-2023 The economist who’s been predicting a recession for 18 months says the ‘litmus test’ is finally here, especially with oil headed toward $100 a barrel – by BY Will Daniel

>climate solutions, green growth

guardian.com 29-9-2023 How researchers remade ‘the world’s most widely used petrochemical’ – without using fossil fuels. It’s used in everything from shampoo to packaging, but the petrochemical ethylene is ultra carbon intensive. Now, a team at Canada’s top university is creating a sustainable alternative – by Anna Turns


news.sky.com 28-9-2023 Microplastics in clouds may be contributing to climate change, research suggests – Scientists say certain types of microplastics in clouds could play a key role in rapid cloud formation which might eventually affect the overall climate. by Samuel Osborne


fnlondon.com 28-9-2023 Abrdn’s Amanda Young says ESG rules are pushing out talent: Some are thinking of early retirement as ‘it is not fun anymore’ – Abrdn sustainability chief: ‘We’re on our knees at the moment… I’m exhausted’ – By Kristen McGachey

ESG investment experts are growing tired of the wave of regulation hitting the sector, which is spurring an exodus of senior talent, according to Abrdn’s sustainability chief. Amanda Young told Financial News the current regulatory environment is “absolutely stifling the sustainable investment industry” and making it tougher for firms to retain talent…

>consciousness, science

theconversation.com 27-9-2023 Nobody knows how consciousness works – but top researchers are fighting over which theories are really science – by Tim Bayne

In June, when the results of a head-to-head experimental contest between two rival theories were announced at the 26th annual meeting of the Association for the Scientific Study of Consciousness in New York City, they were met with some fanfare. The results were inconclusive, with some favouring “integrated information theory” and others lending weight to the “global workspace theory”. The outcome was covered in both Science and Nature, as well as larger outlets including the New York Times and The Economist. And that might have been that, with researchers continuing to investigate these and other theories of how our brains generate experience. But on September 16, apparently driven by media coverage of the June results, a group of 124 consciousness scientists and philosophers – many of them leading figures in the field – published an open letter attacking integrated information theory as “pseudoscience”. The letter has generated an uproar. The science of consciousness has its factions and quarrels but this development is unprecedented, and threatens to do lasting damage. …

>agency, consciousness, free will, ID

newscientist.com 27-9-2023 Free will: Can neuroscience reveal if your choices are yours to make? – Philosophers have wrestled with the question of whether we are truly free to decide on our actions for centuries. Now, insights from genetics, neuroscience and evolutionary biology are shedding fresh light on the issue – By Clare Wilson

>physics, cosmology

theconversation.com 27-9-2023 Antimatter: we cracked how gravity affects it – here’s what it means for our understanding of the universe – by William Bertsche

gusardian.com 26-9-2023 AI-made images mean seeing is no longer believing – In this week’s newsletter: Why an AI-generated image of Tiananmen Square jumping up Google search rankings is an omen for future disinformation – by Chris Stokel-Walker

theconversation.com 26-9-2023 Muscle, wood, coal, oil: what earlier energy transitions tell us about renewables – by Liz Conor

In 2022, the burning of fossil fuels provided 82% of the world’s energy. In 2000, it was 87%. Even as renewables have undergone tremendous growth, they’ve been offset by increased demand for energy. That’s why the United Nations earlier this month released a global stocktake – an assessment on how the world is going in weaning itself off these energy-dense but dangerously polluting fuels. Short answer: progress, but nowhere near enough, soon enough. If we consult history, we find that energy transitions are not new. To farm fields and build cities, we’ve gone from relying on human or animal muscle to wind and water to power sailboats and mill grain. Then we began switching to the energy dense hydrocarbons, coal, gas and oil. But this can’t last. We were first warned in 1859 that when burned, these fuels add to the Earth’s warming blanket of greenhouse gases and threaten our liveable climate. It’s time for another energy transition. We’ve done it before. The problem is time – and resistance from the old energy regime, fossil fuel companies. Energy historian Vaclav Smil calculates past energy transitions have taken 50–75 years to ripple through societies. And we no longer have that kind of time, as climate change accelerates. This year is likely the hottest in 120,000 years. So can we learn anything from past energy transitions? As it happens, we can….

>philosophy, anglo-analytic, modern, book review

city-journal.org 25-9-2023 The University of Oxford Dominated Philosophy in The Twentieth Century. Three new books examine the brilliant if eccentric minds nurtured there – by Michael Gibson

  • A Terribly Serious Adventure: Philosophy and War at Oxford 1900–1960, by Nikhil Krishnan
  • The Women Are Up to Something: How Elizabeth Anscombe, Philippa Foot, Mary Midgley, and Iris Murdoch Revolutionized Ethics, by Benjamin J. B. Lipscomb –
  • Parfit: A Philosopher and His Mission to Save Morality, by David Edmonds

In 1963, the philosophers Gilbert Ryle and Isaiah Berlin had lunch with the composer Igor Stravinsky. Ryle, the least famous of the bunch, was the most scathing in his survey of the philosophical landscape. He dubbed the celebrated American pragmatists William James and John Dewey the “Great American Bores.” He condemned the work of French Jesuit Teilhard de Chardin, with its speculation about an emerging world consciousness, as “old teleological pancake.” Then he summed it up in a sweeping crossfire that could serve as the most Oxonian of putdowns: “Every generation or so philosophical progress is set back by the appearance of a ‘genius.’” What did Ryle have against such geniuses? And is progress in philosophy even possible?

Largely thanks to Ryle and his colleagues, by the 1950s Oxford had ascended to a commanding position in philosophy, at least in the English-speaking world. On the European continent, things were different: German and French philosophers had run headlong down another path. The two broad traditions that emerged from the split after World War I are known as analytic and continental philosophy. The gap between the two styles is vast. Most continental philosophy requires translation from the original gibberish. It’s arcane and cryptic, obsessed with power—raw or disguised—and sadly, is the origin point of postmodernism, most justifications for Communism, critical race theory, DEI, and therefore, all the woke slogans you’ve ever encountered on social media. The analytic tradition is mainly Anglo-American. To this day, virtually all philosophy departments in America pursue research in this vein, but it began at Oxford in the 1920s…

>philosophy, modern, political

theconversation.com 25-9-2023 Explainer: the philosophy of Jean-Jacques Rousseau is profoundly contemporary – by Chris Fleming

>archeology, long history

insider.com/ 21-9-2023 500,000-year-old pieces of wood discovered in Zambia have ‘no known parallels’ in the world, archeologists say – by Kai Xiang Teo

The earliest signs of wooden structures were discovered by a group of archeologists in Zambia. These structures are about 500,000 years old, the scientists responsible for the find said. These structures change our understanding of what early humans were capable of, they wrote.

>monetary, history

stefaneichtwitter 9-2023 Polany’s Theory of Money

Joseph Dalibon Just ended this summer reading! Remarkable account of the politics behind monetary thinking! May have benefitted from more development of K. Polanyi’s work A must-read to engage the discussion over the reform of the international monetary system. Congrats @stefeich !

Stefan Eich Thanks so much! And yes, wish I had had more space for Polanyi’s interwar commentary on monetary politics. He followed all of this very closely as a Vienna-based financial journalist for Der Österreichische Volkswirt, the Austrian equivalent of The Economist.

LouisMosar – There is a chapter by Jerome Maucourant on Polanyi’s theory of money coming out in the forthcoming Routledge International Handbook to Polanyi. I like Maucourant’s work. I think it will be interesting.


nature.com 20-9-2023 Consciousness theory slammed as ‘pseudoscience’ — sparking uproar – Researchers publicly call out theory that they say is not well supported by science, but that gets undue attention. by Mariana Lenharo

The letter, signed by 124 scholars and posted online last week1, has caused an uproar in the consciousness research community. It claims that a prominent theory describing what makes someone or something conscious — called the integrated information theory (IIT) — should be labelled “pseudoscience”. Since its publication on 15 September in the preprint repository PsyArXiv, the letter has some researchers arguing over the label and others worried it will increase polarization in a field that has grappled with issues of credibility in the past….

doi: https://doi.org/10.1038/d41586-023-02971-1 References – Fleming, S. et al. Preprint at PsyArXiv https://doi.org/10.31234/osf.io/zsr78 (2023). Yaron, I. et al. Nature Human Behav. 6, 593–604 (2022).


theguardian.com 20-9-2023 AI-focused tech firms locked in ‘race to the bottom’, warns MIT professor – Physicist Max Tegmark says competition too intense for tech executives to pause development to consider AI risks – by Dan Milmo

>inequality, positioning, urbanisation

fortune.com 20-9-2023 The age of the city has not ended–but its inequality is fueling the backlash against metropolitan elites – by Ian Goldin

…The growing inequality within and between dynamic cities and other places means they are the target of a growing populist backlash against metropolitan elites. The answer to the growing divide is not to undermine the success of dynamic cities. Rather, it is in making them more affordable and accessible. This means investing in public housing and transport and in creating cleaner, walkable cities. We need to move away from the outdated model of sterile central business districts of offices that lay empty at night to create vibrant mixed residential, office, and entertainment neighborhoods. The conversion of surplus offices into residential accommodation offers an opportunity to fast-track these developments. The experience of extreme floods, fires, and heat in many cities also highlights the urgent need for transforming cities into our sustainable homes for the future. Cities, with their unbounded creative potential, provide a source of hope for the future. By working together to improve them, we can realize their potential to create a better life for all. – Ian Goldin is a professor at Oxford University and together with Tom Lee-Devlin a co-author of Age of the City: Why Our Future Will be Won or Lost Together.

>climate crisis, biodiversity

phys.org/ 18-9-2023 Study finds human-driven mass extinction is eliminating entire branches of the tree of life – by Stanford University

…an analysis from Stanford University and the National Autonomous University of Mexico, published in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, shows the crisis may run even deeper. Each of the three species above was also the last member of its genus, the higher category into which taxonomists sort species. And they aren’t alone. Up to now, public and scientific interest has focused on extinctions of species. But in their new study, Gerardo Ceballos .. .and Paul Ehrlich …have found that entire genera (the plural of “genus”) are vanishing as well, in what they call a “mutilation of the tree of life.”…

>philosophy, modern

>carbon capture

scitechdaily.com 18-9-2023 MIT’s Game-Changing Hack: Energy-Efficient CO2 Capture & Conversion

…In the end, they found that what mattered most was not the type of amine used to initially capture carbon dioxide, as many have suspected. Instead, it was the concentration of solo, free-floating carbon dioxide molecules, which avoided bonding with amines but were nevertheless present in the solution. This “solo-CO2” determined the concentration of carbon monoxide that was ultimately produced. “We found that it’s easier to react this ‘solo’ CO2, as compared to CO2 that has been captured by the amine,” Leverick offers. “This tells future researchers that this process could be feasible for industrial streams, where high concentrations of carbon dioxide could efficiently be captured and converted into useful chemicals and fuels.” “This is not a removal technology, and it’s important to state that,” Gallant stresses. “The value that it does bring is that it allows us to recycle carbon dioxide some number of times while sustaining existing industrial processes, for fewer associated emissions. Ultimately, my dream is that electrochemical systems can be used to facilitate mineralization, and permanent storage of CO2 — a true removal technology. That’s a longer-term vision. And a lot of the science we’re starting to understand is a first step toward designing those processes.” – academic source DOI: 10.1021/acscatal.3c02500

>inequality, generation

theguardian.com 8-2023 Millennials don’t all suffer alike. What really divides them is privilege – It’s not the generation gap that counts: setting boomers against the younger cohorts just masks inequality – by Martha Gill

>monetary, currencies

academia.edu 9-2023 Dollarization is a Neo-Mercantilistic Economic System – by Emilio José Calle Celi

This video shows how Dollarization is a Neo-Mercantilistic economic system, combining characteristics of both classical mercantilistic and modern capitalism. Concepts are presented, and the way several important economic variables are affected by this system is shown through comparative economics. Finally, an equation for hard seigniorage, or seigniorage without inflation, is presented and contrasted between Capitalism and Neo-mercantilism.

>Monetary Economics, Foreign Policy Analysis, Monetary theory, Dollarization and Euroization, Foreign Exchange Market, Capitalism, Monetary history, Political Economy of Monetary Policy, Monetary Policy, Mercantilism, Monetary Policy and Exchange Rate, Monetary Econo Mics, Inflation targeting, dollarization, Exchange Rates, Dollarization, Neomercantilism

>climate crisis, water

euronews.com/ 15-9-2023 Spain can help the rest of Europe learn how to tackle the water crisis – Faced with climate change in the Mediterranean and a massive threat to its national industries, Spain is undertaking a major and costly reform of its entire water system – by Jorge Molinero

theguardian.com 13-9-2023 Earth ‘well outside safe operating space for humanity’, scientists find – First complete ‘scientific health check’ shows most global systems beyond stable range in which modern civilisation emerged – by Damian Carrington

Their assessment found that six out of nine “planetary boundaries” had been broken because of human-caused pollution and destruction of the natural world. The planetary boundaries are the limits of key global systems – such as climate, water and wildlife diversity – beyond which their ability to maintain a healthy planet is in danger of failing. …

Scientists said in September that the world was on the brink of multiple disastrous tipping points. Prof Katherine Richardson, from the University of Copenhagen who led the analysis, said: “We know for certain that humanity can thrive under the conditions that have been here for 10,000 years – we don’t know that we can thrive under major, dramatic alterations [and] humans impacts on the Earth system as a whole are increasing as we speak.” She said the Earth could be thought of as a patient with very high blood pressure: “That does not indicate a certain heart attack, but it does greatly raise the risk.” The assessment, which was published in the journal Science Advances and was based on 2,000 studies, indicated that several planetary boundaries were passed long ago. The boundary for biosphere integrity, which includes the healthy functioning of ecosystems, was broken in the late 19th century, the researchers said, as destruction of the natural world decimated wildlife. The same destruction, particularly the razing of forests, means the boundary for land use was broken last century. Climate models have suggested the safe boundary for climate change was surpassed in the late 1980s. For freshwater, a new metric involving both water in lakes and rivers and in soil, showed this boundary was crossed in the early 20th century.

Another boundary is the flow of nitrogen and phosphorus in the environment. These are vital for life but excessive use of fertilisers mean many waters are heavily polluted by these nutrients, which can lead to algal blooms and ocean dead zones. According to the UN Food and Agriculture Organization data, three times the safe level of nitrogen is added to fields every year. The boundary for synthetic pollution, such as pesticides, plastics and nuclear waste, was shown to have been passed by a 2022 study. The Richardson-led analysis assessed air pollution for the first time, which affects plant growth and monsoon rains. It found air pollution has passed the planetary boundary in some regions such as south Asia and China, but not yet globally. Ocean acidification is also assessed as getting worse and being close to exceeding the safe boundary.

The scientists said: “This update finds that six of the nine boundaries are transgressed, suggesting that Earth is now well outside of the safe operating space for humanity.” Rockstrom said: “If you want to have security, prosperity and equity for humanity on Earth, you have to come back into the safe space and we’re not seeing that progress currently in the world.” Phasing out fossil fuel burning and ending destructive farming are the key actions required. The planetary boundaries are set using specific metrics, such as the level of CO2 in the atmosphere for climate change. The Earth’s systems are resilient to some level of change, so most of the boundaries have been set at a level higher than that which persisted over the last 10,000 years. For example, CO2 was at 280 parts per million until the industrial revolution but the planetary boundary is set at 350ppm. Prof Simon Lewis, at University College London and not part of the study team, said: “This is a strikingly gloomy update on an already alarming picture. The planet is entering a new and much less stable state – it couldn’t be a more stark warning of the need for deep structural changes to how we treat the environment.”

“The planetary boundaries concept is a heroic attempt to simplify the world, but it is probably too simplified to be of use in practically managing Earth,” he continued. “For example, the damage and suffering from limiting global heating to 1.6C using pro-development policies and major investments in adapting to climate change would be vastly less than the damage and suffering from limiting warming to 1.5C but doing this using policies that help the wealthy and disregard the poor. But the concept does work as a science-led parable of our times.” A related assessment published in May examined planetary boundaries combined with social justice issues and found that six of these eight “Earth system boundaries” had been passed. …

survivingtomorrow.org 9-2023 Declassified US Navy File Predicts 4°C Warming Within 17 Years- by Jared A. Brock

This decade-old declassified file from 2013 is an 87-page document containing a prediction by the United States Navy that humans would achieve 4 °C warming by 2040. You already know many of the security threats of a hotter future: forcible migration, damage to global ports, changing ocean currents, drought/flooding, stronger storms.

There is only a “tiny window” of hope remaining to prevent climate Collapse, and experts say we are entering “a new age of devastation” as El Niño pushes already-record temperatures even higher. Parts of Texas hit record highs and Phoenix hit a record high temperature for August: 117 °F (47 °C). Other scientists admit there is no stopping this. At least 20 people have died in wildfires in Greece, near the border of Bulgaria and Türkiye. The blazes still rage, and they have become the EU’s largest wildfire ever. Dozens of people were arrested for arson, but it remains unclear how the blaze really began. This visual guide is a quick summary of Greece’s wildfires. Scientists know that wildfires are becoming more intense and widespread. The Lower Darling — Australia’s 3rd longest river — has practically run out of Murray cod, a native fish whose population crashed after a terrible drought several years ago. Efforts to repopulate the species failed. China is finishing a summer of climate devastation, caused by heat waves, drought, and regional flooding. Grain & rice fields in China’s northeast province were heavily damaged. And China is still approving two new coal plants every week… In India, similar floods wiped out neighborhood homes and displaced many. What would you do if your house was swept away by a mudslide and you received no insurance payout? This interesting article explains a bit more about the prevention of a titanic oil spill from the FSO Safer, deflecting blame and…

theguardian.com 12-9-2023 ‘Beginning of the end’ of fossil fuel era approaching, says IEA – Forecast downturn still ‘nowhere near steep enough’ to limit temperature rise to 1.5C, says watchdog – Jillian Ambrose

The International Energy Agency (IEA) has projected for the first time that fossil fuel consumption will peak before 2030 and fall into permanent decline as climate policies take effect. However, the forecast downturn is still “nowhere near steep enough” to put the world on a path to limiting temperature rises to 1.5C above pre-industrialised levels, which is considered crucial to avoiding a climate catastrophe. …Fatih Birol, the IEA’s head, wrote in the Financial Times on Tuesday that the projections would show that “the world is on the cusp of a historic turning point”. …

dailymail.co.uk 9-2023 Horror graph finally settles the boomers vs millennials housing struggle argument – by Zak Wheeler

A new study may have finally disproved an old boomer theory that millennials are unable to save money; houses were simply more affordable back in the 1980’s.The research, published by the Reserve Bank of Australia, explores how Australians experienced saving for a home over several different decades. A graph included in the 10-page report revealed that it took prospective buyers only two years of moderate saving in 1985 to have enough for an initial deposit. …

Affordability now sits at its ‘worst level’ in 30 years, with an average income household only able to consider 13 per cent of homes on the market. In the 90’s that same household could consider roughly 31 per cent of the market.  Today average-income households need to save at least 20 per cent of their income for more than half a decade to secure a 20 per cent deposit on a median priced home, according to Proptrack’s newest housing affordability report.  Lower income homes face the toughest hurdles, with a $64,000 annual salary only providing access to three per cent of homes on the market. …

>knowledge consciousness philosophy psychology

psychologytoday.com 11-9-2023 An Overview of the Leading Theories of Consciousness
Organizing and comparing the major candidate theories in the field – by Ralph Lewis M.

  • Leading theories of consciousness include HOT, GWT, IIT, re-entry, and predictive processing theories.
  • Other well-developed theoretical approaches to consciousness involve attention, learning, and affect.
  • Many theories seek to solve the “hard problem” of consciousness, but not everyone agrees the problem exists.

>greenwashing – ESG

euronews.com 5-9-2023 EU ‘Green Claims’ directive will tackle greenwashing’s crafty cousin, circular washing,too – by Ana Birliga Sutherland

If passed, the law will ban generic claims — from “environmentally-friendly” and “eco” to “natural” and “biodegradable” — from being made without evidence. This is a much-needed step in the right direction, Ana Birliga Sutherland writes. Regulators are finally cracking down on advertisers making false green claims, in a series of moves dubbed the end of the “greenwashing era”. These claims — from the vague (“all natural”) to the hard-to-verify and seemingly omnipresent (“carbon neutral”)—often mislead increasingly climate-conscious consumers. The desire for more environmentally friendly goods is growing rapidly, with nearly 90% of Gen X consumers willing to spend more on sustainable products, compared to 34% in 2020. And at the same time, the circular economy — an economic model that designs out waste, cuts material use and keeps materials in the loop for as long as possible — is becoming increasingly mainstream. This begs the question: as greenwashing is kicked to the kerb, does this allow space for its more insidious cousin — circular washing — to creep in? Keen to profit from consumers’ changing ethos, brands are adding circular claims to their arsenals. These can be even more harmful: what’s branded as “circular” isn’t always good for the environment, especially if it features an over-reliance on recycling rather than substantial cuts in material use.

A 2020 study found that a massive 53% of green claims were vague, misleading or unfounded, with a further 40% entirely unsubstantiated. …The EU’s move to tackle greenwashing has drawn attention from proponents and critics alike: the proposal for the new “Green Claims” directive was voted in plenary with a huge majority, setting the foundation for a finalised law in the coming months. If passed, it’ll ban generic claims — from “environmentally-friendly” and “eco” to “natural” and “biodegradable” — from being made without evidence, requiring brands to verify their products’ merits through third-party certification schemes. This is a much-needed step in the right direction: a 2020 study found that a massive 53% of green claims were vague, misleading or unfounded, with a further 40% entirely unsubstantiated. But will the directive take on circular washing — and consequently encourage true circularity as well? The Green Claims directive will cover all manner of sins — circular washing included…

>geen growth

thelancet.com 9-2023 Is green growth happening? An empirical analysis of achieved versus Paris-compliant CO2–GDP decoupling in high-income countries – by Brockway PE Sorrell S Semieniuk G Heun MK Court V

Scientists have raised concerns about whether high-income countries, with their high per-capita CO2 emissions, can decarbonise fast enough to meet their obligations under the Paris Agreement if they continue to pursue aggregate economic growth. Over the past decade, some countries have reduced their CO2 emissions while increasing their gross domestic product (absolute decoupling). Politicians and media have hailed this as green growth. In this empirical study, we aimed to assess whether these achievements are consistent with the Paris Agreement, and whether Paris-compliant decoupling is within reach.
Methods – We developed and implemented a novel approach to assess whether decoupling achievements in high-income countries are consistent with the Paris climate and equity goals. We identified 11 high-income countries that achieved absolute decoupling between 2013 and 2019. We assessed the achieved consumption-based CO2 emission reductions and decoupling rates of these countries against Paris-compliant rates, defined here as rates consistent with national fair-shares of the remaining global carbon budgets for a 50% chance of limiting global warming to 1·5°C or 1·7°C (representing the lower [1·5°C] and upper [well below 2°C] bounds of the Paris target).
Findings – The emission reductions that high-income countries achieved through absolute decoupling fall far short of Paris-compliant rates. At the achieved rates, these countries would on average take more than 220 years to reduce their emissions by 95%, emitting 27 times their remaining 1·5°C fair-shares in the process. To meet their 1·5°C fair-shares alongside continued economic growth, decoupling rates would on average need to increase by a factor of ten by 2025.
Interpretation – The decoupling rates achieved in high-income countries are inadequate for meeting the climate and equity commitments of the Paris Agreement and cannot legitimately be considered green. If green is to be consistent with the Paris Agreement, then high-income countries have not achieved green growth, and are very unlikely to be able to achieve it in the future. To achieve Paris-compliant emission reductions, high-income countries will need to pursue post-growth demand-reduction strategies, reorienting the economy towards sufficiency, equity, and human wellbeing, while also accelerating technological change and efficiency improvements.

>ESG, green washing, socio-eco metrics, governance

theconversation.com 20-8-2023 A new approach to environmental, social and governance policies is needed before it’s too late – by Daniel Tsai, Peer Zumbansen

This summer has proven how destructive climate change can be. We have been plagued by harrowing images of Maui, Hawaii in ashes, news about wildfires spreading smoke across Canada and the United States and record-breaking heat waves worldwide. It’s clear we are facing a crisis on a planetary scale, requiring immediate political, social and economic action. Corporations and governments have rushed to declare their commitment to environmental, social and governance (ESG) principles in response to the climate crisis. One of the issues with ESG is how difficult it is for investors, consumers and the public to assess how effectively companies have implemented it. In addition, the lack of government leadership and the fragmentation of the ESG landscape has created uncertainty about its future. Many firms don’t know if they should lead by example or wait to follow the pack.Several large investors and corporations in the U.S. — most notably BlackRock — have recently become targets of the “anti-woke” movement, adding further uncertainty and hesitancy to committing to ESG.

The public debate around ESG, stakeholder governance, sustainability and responsible investment continues to gain momentum in the midst of all this. In response, McGill University’s CIBC Office of Sustainable Finance hosted academics and experts from 11 countries to confront the issues of ESG, climate change governance and democratic politics. The resulting impact paper proposes several policy recommendations for governments and corporations to work together to transform ESG standards into practice. Despite recurring financial crises and staggering socio-economic inequalitycorporations find themselves conflicted by the need to maximize profits with ESG. But profit can still coexist alongside a significant business and investment shift towards sustainability. A fully transparent and publicly available ESG and sustainability index for financial institutions and corporations would improve transparency, accountability and address the demand for ESG. If large public corporations were required to report universal ESG metrics, it would lead to healthy competition…

>inequality tax wealth

newstatesman.com 9-2023 Britain’s great tax con – The UK’s tax system entrenches inequality, stymies growth, and rewards a few at the expense of the many – by Harry Lambert

>modern history

newstatesman.com 2-9-2023 The making of EP Thompson – The historian was driven by the mystery of his brother’s death fighting with anti-fascist partisans – by Madoc Cairns

When they told Frank Thompson they would shoot him he told them he was proud. I’m ready to die for democracy, he told them, as they led him out to the barren hills above Sofia. I’m proud to die in the fight against fascism, he told them, sixteen hundred miles from home. I give you the salute of freedom, said Major Frank Thompson, 23 years old. He raised his right fist. When Edward Palmer Thompson asked what happened to his brother, people told him this: he died so well that grown men wept.

Frank Thompson died a hero. His brother spent his life wondering why. As more details emerged, more seemed missing. Frank was a liaison between the British army and Bulgarian anti-fascist partisans. Their mission, which led to his capture and execution in 1944, was badly planned, poorly supported, sent out in “conditions of almost impossible difficulty”. None of the family’s questions received any answer from the state. Frank’s brother had to do his own research. In the process he became the most influential British historian of the past half-century: his Making of the English Working Class created an entire field. But before he wrote history, EP Thompson made it.


theguardian.com 2-9-2023 I hope-im-wrong-the-co-founder-of-deepmind-on-how-ai-threatens-to-reshape-life-as-we-know-it

>markets,monetary, banking

heguardian.com 29-8-2023 central-banks-will-push-economies-into-recession-says-jeremy-hunt-adviser-karen-ward

>eco crisis climate

theguardian.com 29-8-2023 Young climate activist tells Greenpeace to drop ‘old-fashioned’ anti-nuclear stance – Swedish teenager Ia Anstoot says group’s ‘unscientific’ opposition to EU nuclear power serves fossil fuel interests

youtube 8-2023 The beauty of collective intelligence, explained by a developmental biologist – by Michael Levin

scitechdaily.com 8-2023 Mindfulness Myth? Philosopher Challenges Its Core Principles ->Meditation Mental Health By UNIVERSITY OF COPENHAGEN – FACULTY OF HUMANITIES AUGUST 20, 2023

theguardian.com 22-8-2023 bacteria-that-eats-methane-could-slow-global-heating-study-finds


independent.co.uk 19-8-2023 Trader who predicted 2008 financial crisis bets $1.6bn on stock market crash by end of 2023 – Michael Burry, played by Christian Bale in the movie ‘The Big Short’, is putting his money on another financial disaster – by William Mata

theguardian.com 26-8-2023 scientific-journal-retracts-article-that-claimed-no-evidence-of-climate-crisis


nypost.com 2-8-2023 It’s only a matter of time until the ESG movement will R.I.P. – By Charles Gasparino

essentiafoundation.org 2-7-2023 How a neuroscientist came to embrace the reality of acausal synchronicities Reading | Metaphysics – by Laleh K. Quinn

bigthink.com 24-8-2023 The entire quantum Universe exists inside a single atom- By probing the Universe on atomic scales and smaller, we can reveal the entirety of the Standard Model, and with it, the quantum Universe.

8-2023 The Human Era Is Ending – John Gray on AI and James Barrat

newstatesman.com 8-2023 The human era is ending – Artificial intelligence poses a profound challenge to our humanness. By John Gray

reuters.com 21-8-2023 New find throws light on life of slaves in Ancient Rome’s Pompeii

theguardian.com/ 17-8-2023 /helen-skelton-honesty-work-kids-radical-truth-family-life

bbc.co.uk 14-8-2023 Back to the future for India’s rice farmers – By Priti Gupta

dailymail.co.uk 15-8-2023 Sociology is outstripping traditional A-level subjects

Sociology is outstripping traditional A-level subjects as more teenagers show an interest in activism. Social sciences are booming in popularity with psychology now the second most popular A-level. While Sociology has also risen to become the fifth most popular – up from ninth five years ago. But analysis of private schools shows traditional and classical subjects are still the subject of choice at fee-charging schools, The Times reported. Professor Alan Smithers of Buckingham University suggested the rise in interest in sociology was because the subject offers an ‘understanding of the structure of society and ways to change it, which makes it very attractive to activists’.

He told the paper: ‘Psychology has burgeoned. One can speculate that this great appeal has something to do with it appearing to offer insight into some of the great mysteries such as the nature of consciousness, what lies behind human behaviour, and making sense of human interaction. ‘Access to the meaning of life has become ever more important with the loss of religious faith in much of the western world.’ Analysis of last year’s figures broken down by subject shows private schools accounted for 89 per cent of candidates studying ancient Greek. They also reportedly accounted for 89 per cent of candidates studying ancient Greek, 79 per cent in history of art and 74 per cent of Latin.

>slavery hidden history fems


>history long

shapingwork.mit.edu amazon.co.uk 5-2023 “Power and Progress: Our Thousand-Year Struggle Over Technology and Prosperity – by Daron Acemoglu and Simon Johnson

Acemoglu and Johnson give an incisive analysis of the economics of labor and technology, along with a trenchant critique of the ‘techno-optimism’ of corporate visionaries…a stimulating call for social and political action to ensure the rising tide of innovation lifts all boats. Publishers Weekly

[I]nsightful…A convincing attack on today’s dysfunctional economy plus admirable suggestions for correcting matters. – Kirkus

One powerful thread runs through this breathtaking tour of the history and future of technology, from the Neolithic agricultural revolution to the ascent of artificial intelligence: Technology is not destiny, nothing is pre-ordained. Humans, despite their imperfect institutions and often-contradictory impulses, remain in the driver’s seat. It is still our job to determine whether the vehicles we build are heading toward justice or down the cliff. In this age of relentless automation and seemingly unstoppable consolidation of power and wealth, Power and Progress is an essential reminder that we can, and must, take back control. – ABHIJIT BANERJEE AND ESTHER DUFLO

Upcoming international editions


economist.com 4-23 Yuval Noah Harari argues that AI has hacked the operating system of human civilisation. Storytelling computers will change the course of human history, says the historian and philosopher

>consciousness, evolution, human nature

economist.com 28-6-2023 Thousands of species of animals probably have consciousness – A group of scientists are trying to track down how it works in the brain

The amygdaloids sound like one of the aliens-of-the-week from “Star Trek”. In fact, they are a rock band from New York University (nyu), whose singer, lead guitarist and moving spirit is Joseph LeDoux. Dr LeDoux is one of the world’s top authorities on the amygdalas, a pair of almond-shaped structures in the brain that are responsible, among other things, for generating fear in response to threats. But he is also president of the Association for the Scientific Study of Consciousness (assc), which held its 26th meeting at nyu between June 22nd and 25th.

The Amygdaloids were merely the warm-up act. Top of the bill was the announcement of the result of a so-called “adversarial collaboration” between proponents of two hypotheses about the nature of consciousness. This involved running a series of experiments, begun in 2020, to …

>markets, valuations

entrepreneurshandbook.co 23-8-2023 WeWork, WeBroke, WeOver. The sorry end to the WeWork story draws near – by Stephen Moore


bbc.co.uk 1-9-2023 What a doctor’s death in a lift may tell us about Africa’s debt crisis – By Joe Inwood, Nkechi Ogbonna

>monetar, banking

thisismoney.co.uk 30 -8 2023 Recession fears after the UK’s money supply stops growing for first time in 13 years – By CALUM MUIRHEAD

The UK’s money supply has stopped growing for the first time in 13 years in a warning sign that a recession could be looming. Bank of England data showed money supply was no larger in July than in June. This is in stark contrast to a flood of money printed during the pandemic, which monetarists argue was behind the surge in inflation once lockdown restrictions eased and the economy restarted. But the stalling supply raises fears of recession and deflation, or falling prices, which could encourage the Bank to be more cautious in continuing to raise interest rates to avoid shifting the economy into reverse…


spectator.co.uk `1-9-2023 Is printing too much money the real cause of inflation? – By Julian Jessop

Every month, the Bank of England publishes new data on the flows of money and credit around the UK economy. Most commentators focus on the ‘credit’ part – particularly the amount of mortgage and credit card borrowing. In contrast, the ‘money’ part rarely gets a mention. This is understandable. After all, good luck explaining what ‘M4ex’ is down the Dog and Duck. (If you must know, it is essentially the notes, coins, sterling deposits, and short-dated bonds held by UK households and non-financial companies). But the failure to discuss ‘money’ is worrying. Even the Bank of England acknowledges that money growth is an ‘important indicator of developments in the economy’. If anything, inflation is fuelling wage rises, rather than the other way around. I would go further. Changes in the supply of money are key to understanding what has happened to inflation – and where it might be heading.

Here the recent news is mostly good – on inflation at least. The latest figures, published on Wednesday morning, show that the annual growth of the Bank’s preferred measure of broad money (which is what I mean by ‘M4ex’) has slowed to zero – so no more extra money is circulating in the economy. This should drag inflation down further over time. To illustrate this, here is a simple chart comparing the growth rate of broad money and the annual rate of inflation. The former appears to lead the latter, with a lag of about 18 months. I’m not ready to die on a hill for the precise relationship implied here, but hopefully you get the idea. Similar charts work just as well for the Euro area and the US.

Most people instinctively understand that inflation is something that happens when too much money is chasing too few goods and services. Despite this, you would be hard pressed to find a single reference to the money supply in any policy statements from the Bank of England. Most oddly of all, the Bank’s public explanations for its policy of ‘quantitative easing’ (QE) focus on the impact on bond yields and the positive wealth effects from increases in other asset prices. There is just a passing reference to the impact of this extra money floating around the system. Some central bankers have even downplayed QE as simply an ‘asset swap’ (cash for government bonds) which only affects the economy through its impact on interest rates, and which is not really ‘money printing’ at all. But surely the clue is in the name: ‘quantitative easing’ works, at least in part, by increasing the quantity of money.

An honourable mention here must go to Professor Tim Congdon and Dr Juan Castañeda at the Institute of International Monetary Research (IIMR), based at the University of Buckingham. They correctly predicted in 2020 that excessive monetary growth (largely as a result of how central banks helped to finance government borrowing and spending via QE) would cause an inflationary boom. This message was echoed by members of the Shadow Monetary Policy Committee (SMPC), hosted by the Institute of Economic Affairs. But we were in a small minority.

Instead, the usual narrative is that inflation has been driven by higher food and energy prices, with the implication that these increases are what has caused inflation to take off. More recently, the focus has shifted to higher pay, with many worried that a ‘wage-price spiral’ has now set in.

Monetarists would say that this is missing the wood for the trees. Supply shocks – such as Covid restrictions, the fallout from the Ukraine war, or Brexit – might explain why some prices are rising faster than others. But if these shocks had not happened, the inflationary pressure from excessive monetary growth might simply have popped up somewhere else. Indeed, we have already seen this in the way that measures of ‘core’ inflation that strip out energy and food have risen. The concept of a ‘wage-price spiral’ doesn’t hold much water, either. For a start, wages are only just beginning to catch up with prices. If anything, inflation is fuelling wage rises, rather than the other way around. More fundamentally, wage rises simply shuffle money around the economy and so cannot affect the overall level of prices – unless the central bank prints more money to pay for them.

Finally, worrying about strong wage growth makes even less sense when there are labour shortages. Wages are a price like any other and need to be allowed to adjust to balance supply and demand. Admittedly, even monetarist economists disagree on some crucial points. We cannot even always agree on which measure of ‘money’ is most significant, or the relative importance of interest rates and quantitative easing (or tightening) as monetary policy tools.

Either way, though, there should be much more discussion of monetary variables, including monetary growth, when assessing the outlook for inflation and economic activity. Appointing someone to the Monetary Policy Committee who has a much stronger grasp of monetary economics than me would be a genuine improvement in diversity. As it is, groupthink means that the role of money is repeatedly overlooked, making further forecast errors and policy mistakes much more likely.

theguardian.com 31-8-2023 bank-of-england-must-see-through-job-of-fighting-inflation-top-economist-says

8-23 Review of Jakob Feinig’s Moral Economies of Money by Aaron Wistar

Big Short Michael-Burry bets on Market Crash

12-8-23 ‘small-brained ape-man’ casts doubt on our understanding of human evolution

9-8-23 Local Climate Crisis Solutions by Palmer Owyoung + Laurie Mazur

8-8-23 Will digital yuan be able to achieve its lofty goals? by Faisal Khan

6- 8-2023 Guardian intervies dissenting banker Raghuram Rajan

8-2023/2016 A wealth of possibilities: Alternatives to growth” by Aaron Vansintjan

29-7-23 AI as Cognitive Partner: A New Cognitive Age Dawns

26-7-23 H Arendt, S de Beauvoir, A Rand + S Weil – Wolfram Eilenberger book review

26-7-23 Green energy entrepreneur Dale Vince on why he funds Just Stop Oil – By Harry Lambert

nature.com 25-7-2023 ChatGPT broke the Turing test — the race is on for new ways to assess AI – Large language models mimic human chatter, but scientists disagree on their ability to reason – by Celeste BieverI

The world’s best artificial intelligence (AI) systems can pass tough exams, write convincingly human essays and chat so fluently that many find their output indistinguishable from people’s. What can’t they do? Solve simple visual logic puzzles.

7-2023 online climate disinformation by Mark Pogson

scitechdaily.com 9-7-2023 Time Reversal Photonics Experiment Resolves Quantum Paradox – by University Of Twente

Photonics Experiment Resolves Quantum Paradox – A team of researchers from the University of Twente has successfully illustrated that quantum mechanics and thermodynamics can coexist by using an optical chip with photon channels. The channels individually showed disorder in line with thermodynamics, while the overall system complied with quantum mechanics due to the entanglement of subsystems, proving that information can be preserved and transferred. Credit: University of Twente

It seems quantum mechanics and thermodynamics cannot be true simultaneously. In a new publication, University of Twente researchers use photons in an optical chip to demonstrate how both theories can be true at the same time.

In quantum mechanics, time can be reversed and information is always preserved. That is, one can always find back the previous state of particles. It was long unknown how this could be true at the same time as thermodynamics. There, time has a direction and information can also be lost. “Just think of two photographs that you put in the sun for too long, after a while you can no longer distinguish them,” explains author Jelmer Renema.

There was already a theoretical solution to this quantum puzzle and even an experiment with atoms, but now the University of Twente (UT) researchers have also demonstrated it with photons. “Photons have the advantage that it is quite easy to reverse time with them,” explains Renema. In the experiment, the researchers used an optical chip with channels through which the photons could pass. At first, they could determine exactly how many photons there were in each channel, but after that, the photons shuffled positions.

Entanglement of subsystems – “When we looked at the individual channels, they obeyed the laws of thermodynamics and built up disorder. Based on measurements on one channel, we didn’t know how many photons were still in that channel, but the overall system was consistent with quantum mechanics,” says Renema. The various channels – also known as subsystems – were entangled. The missing information in one subsystem ‘disappears’ to the other subsystem. …

finance.yahoo.com 8-7-2023 Wharton professor says ‘things that took me weeks to master in my PhD’ take ‘seconds’ with new ChatGPT tool – By Stephen Pastis

Now, anyone with $20 can have a personal A.I. assistant skilled in data analysis. Code Interpreter—a new OpenAI tool for ChatGPT that can run code, work with uploaded files, analyze data, create charts, edit files, and perform math—was released Friday for all subscribers to the $20-per-month ChatGPT Plus service. For Ethan Mollick, an early adopter of A.I. and management professor at the Wharton School of the University of Pennsylvania, it might be the most useful, interesting application of the technology so far—and the strongest case yet for a future where artificial intelligence is a valuable companion for sophisticated knowledge work. “Things that took me weeks to master in my Ph.D. were completed in seconds by the AI, and there were generally fewer errors than I would expect from a human analyst. Human supervision is still vital, but I would not do a data project without Code Interpreter at this point,” Mollick writes in a blog post published Friday. …

psychologytoday.com 7-7-2023 Redefining Psychology in the Light of Quantum Physics – A Personal Perspective: Revolutionizing our understanding of consciousness. -0 ByAlan J. Steinberg

This post is in response to Quantum Effects In the Brain By Robert Lanza

  • Psychology and physics each offer a unique and important perspective in our quest to comprehend consciousness.
  • Dream theory, traditionally in the realm of psychology, may help quantum physics understand the Big Bang.
  • Psychology and quantum physics can help each other move forward in their quests for answers and relevancy.
  • Psychotherapy, when invigorated by the insights of quantum physics, may become even more healing.

Quantum physics, arguably our most sophisticated scientific method for understanding the universe, has been consistently challenging the traditional boundaries of various disciplines, including psychology. As quantum physics explores the perplexing realm of consciousness, it raises profound questions. Could physics and psychology become entwined in their quest to comprehend consciousness?

Three Pillars of Quantum Physics – To grasp the scope of this question, we should first examine three generally accepted principles of quantum physics. When taken together, I argue that these principles suggest a revolutionary perspective: everything in the universe is composed of a singular, unified consciousness. The first principle states that the collapse of an object’s wave function requires a conscious observer. Secondly, quantum physics contends that the universe is interconnected in its entirety and instantaneously, leaving no room for separateness. Lastly, it posits that our reality is observer dependent. …

telegraph.co.uk 1-7-2023 Bank of England ‘must stop creating money out of thin air’ – Leading economists pile pressure on Andrew Bailey and Jeremy Hunt to shake up monetary system and help savers – By Will Hazell

theatlantic.com 7-2023 THE COMING HUMANIST RENAISSANCE – We need a cultural and philosophical movement to meet the rise of artificial superintelligence. By Adrienne LaFrance

vanityfair.com 29-6-2023 “We Have Built a Giant Treadmill That We Can’t Get Off”: Sci-Fi Prophet Ted Chiang on How to Best Think About AI – Amid an explosion of panic about artificial intelligence, ChatGPT, and runaway algos, the celebrated writer has entered the chat. FYI: A potential Terminator situation is the least of his concerns. – by By Delia Cai

Lately, Chiang has been thinking about this current reality: Via viral essays for The New Yorker, he’s been wading into this year’s public discourse to explain ChatGPT and generative AI in terms any smartphone-wielder can actually process. For a species forever at odds with our own imaginative powers, the sci-fi author has become the most lucid voice in the room—a credit as much to that compact Chiangian prose as much as it is to the utter chaos of the 2023 technological landscape. Some time in between Marc Andreessen blogging about how AI will save the world and the release of the new Black Mirror season, Chiang and I sat down over Zoom to discuss our current moment in tech and the metaphors we use to make sense of it all.

decrypt.co 27-6-2023 Bank of England Says ‘Britcoin’ CBDC Might Not Be on a Blockchain – The English Central Bank is looking at a plethora of options for a CBDC it has yet to determine is viable. – By André Beganski

nature.com 24-6-2023 Decades-long bet on consciousness ends — and it’s philosopher 1, neuroscientist 0
Christof Koch wagered David Chalmers 25 years ago that researchers would learn how the brain achieves consciousness by now. But the quest continues.

businessinsider.com 17-6-2023 ‘Fundamentals still matter’: A portfolio manager at a firm managing $17 billion warns stocks are due to sink 15% as AI hype fuels the current rally and drowns out recession alarm bells – William Edwards

crypto-news-flash.com 17-6-2023 Cardano Creator Charles Hoskinson: $7 Trillion BlackRock Bitcoin ETF Approval to Flood the Market with Fresh Money – BlackRock application for Bitcoin ETF can stir an imbalance in the crypto world. Cardano Founder Charles Hoskinson believes BlackRock’s move is not worth celebrating. – By Godfrey Benjamin

medium.com 16-6-2023 Gaia And The Climate Emergency – On the need for a new consciousness – by John Pearce

psychologytoday.com 16-6-2023 You Can’t Explain Human Experience in Purely Physical Terms – Does the soul exist? Re-enchanting the world with an old idea – by Steve Taylor

positivenews.org 15-6-2023 Positive tipping points could save the climate – this man is showing us how – by Sarah LaBrecque Positive tipping points – Professor Tim Lenton was one of the scientists sounding the alarm on the climate crisis decades ago. Today, instead of focusing on what doom might lie ahead, he’s pioneering a new line of research on the positive tipping points that might actually save

fortune.com 13-6-2023 Forget the ChatGPT ‘doom-hype cycle.’ Evidence shows humans are just as unoriginal when it comes to language. BY Brendan H. O’Connor

popmatters.com 13 -6-2023 WE CAN ONLY IMAGINE: THE CONSCIOUSNESS OF PHYSICS – Physicist Ulf Danielsson’s The World Itself pins the powerful, slippery imagination and its impressive ideas about consciousness to matter’s messy, impermanent state. – By R.P. Finch

theguardian.com 13-6-2023 Whisper it, but the boom in plastic production could be about to come to a juddering halt – A plastics treaty is on the cards – and it could join the rescue of the ozone layer as a landmark success in environmental diplomacy – by Geoffrey Lean

dailynous.com 13-6-2023 The Rigor of Philosophy & the Complexity of the World – By Justin Weinberg

“Analytic philosophy gradually substitutes an ersatz conception of formalized ‘rigor’ in the stead of the close examination of applicational complexity.” In the following guest post, Mark Wilson, Distinguished Professor of Philosophy and the History and Philosophy of Science at the University of Pittsburgh, argues that a kind of rigor that helped philosophy serve a valuable role in scientific inquiry has, in a sense, gone wild, tempting philosophers to the fruitless task of trying to understand the world from the armchair.

fortune.com 8-6-2023 ‘ESG’ is dead. Long live E, S, and G. By Peter Vanham

The tale of ESG in corporate America is one of an extraordinary rise and an almost-as-extraordinary fall. Less than a decade ago, barely anyone outside the impact investing world used the term ESG. Today, the acronym is everywhere in corporate America. But almost as quickly as it came, ESG is bound to disappear again and be replaced by its constituent parts, having become politicized and polarized.

That is my conclusion from this week’s Fortune Impact Initiative call, which gathered over 40 ESG executives under the Chatham House rule. Few executives defended continuing to use the term. But rather than bury the acronym’s themes—environmental, social, and governance issues—most said they are doubling down on them in practice. Put another way: Nothing is changing about our plans, those on our call agreed. But they are increasingly avoiding using the term “ESG” per se because it’s become divisive and distracting.

“We don’t talk about ‘ESG,’ but about the specific actions we are taking,” one participant said, a sentiment echoed throughout the discussion. “Eliminating waste, reducing water consumption,…those are all good business decisions,” another participant said. “There is no arguing about that. But we are taking a step back to think about what [the term] ‘ESG’ was meant to do.” …

blog.daviskedrosky.com 8-6-2023 Jared Diamond: A Reply to His Critics – Rescuing Guns, Germs, and Steel from its worst detractors – by Davis Kedrosky

newscientist.com 7-6-2023 The uncomfortable reality of life on Earth after we breach 1.5°C – Passing 1.5°C of global warming isn’t just a political disaster, it will have dire consequences for us all, as those living on the front line already know – By Madeleine Cuff

thecollector.com 5-6-2023 Walter Benjamin on the Philosophy of History (and the End of it) – How does Walter Benjamin use the insights of Marxism and theology to conceptualize history and the future? – By Luke Dunne

elpais.com 1-6-2023 Seven of the nine thresholds that allow for human life on earth have already been crossed – A new report quantifies the climatic, natural and pollutant limits that ensure the safe and orderly maintenance of civilization

academia.edu pdf 2016 A wealth of possibilities: Alternatives to growth – by Aaron Vansintjan

Economics, Sustainable Development, Green Policy, Post-Growth – This study, commissioned by the Greens in the European Parliament and the Green European Foundation, catalogued post-growth practices and policies in six fields: 1. Job creation 2. Basic and maximum income and job guarantee 3. Tax collection 4. Financing the social safety net 5. Monetary system and banking 6. International equality

26-7-23 newstatesman – energy entrepreneur Dale Vince : Why I fund Just Stop Oil

24-7-23 bbc – Why new techno fails to up productivity

13-5-23 Meta cancels Metaverse, Google AI and crypto versus blockchain

5-2-23 the (non) inflationary magic of Paul Krugman’s $1 trillion coin

5-23 Planning beyond growth. The case for economic degrowth democracy

12-5-2023 Jerome Powell Hints at Upcoming Market Crash?

6-5-23 Unemployment and the Maturity of Capitalism – by Blair Fix

6-5-23 Padma Desai – The industrial policy economist’s obituary by Shruti Rajagapolan

1-5-23 The Economist on the limits of the American dollar dominance

1-5-23 Quinn Slobodian’s Crack Up Capitalism reviewed by Felix Martin

1-5-23 Christopher Clark: How 1848 revolutionised the modern world – reviewed by Munro Price

14-4-23 Social media has changed – Will academics catch up?

14-4-23 John Rawls revived: Free and Equal by Daniel Chandler

4-23 Zombie Investment: If ESG Is Dead Why Does Sweden Ban Non-ESG Funds?

4-23 Geoff Mann reviews Alan Blinder’s A Fiscal and Monetary History of the US

12-4-23 UK and EU May Be Sharply Diverging on CBDCs

11-4-23 Inequality in Australia: 10% capture 93% of economic growth

11-4-23 Heidegger in ruins? Matthew Sharpe reviews Richard Wolin

9-4-23 Gilian Tett: What I Have learnt from three banking crises

8-4-23 Ocean surface temperature hits record high

8-4-23 Texas May Launch Its Own Gold-backed Digital Currency

7-4-23 Plastics touching our food may be making us gain weight

6-4-23 Physics – Can assembly theory explain life?

6-4-23 CBDC – Britcoin an accident waiting to happen?

4-4-23 Is Crypto’s dream of decentralization dying?

2-4-23 China’s loans to Africa worry World Bank

1-4-23 Is AI neither artificial nor intelligent?I

4-2023 Climate Politcs – The Long View- The Earth Transformed by Peter Frankopan

3-23 GDP growth is fuelling climate change –Timothée Parrique on Kohei Saito

3-23 Introducing Community Currencies – by Jens Martignoni

3-23 Markets: Recession or Soft Landing?

peacon.net/pdf 31-3-23 real-world economics review 103

31-3-23 Should CBDCs replace commercial bank deposits

31-3-23 Social media is taking a dangerous toll on teenage girls

30-3-23 Human Selves Consciously Unbundled

29-3-23 Why growth won’t fix UK inequality

29-3-23 Quantum reveals a world of genuine free will

27-3-23 Global Population to fall to 6bn ?

24-3-23 theguardian book review: Humanly Possible by Sarah Bakewell

24-3-23 Forget geoengineering. We need to stop burning fossil fuels now.

21-3-23 Inflation, the Powell Put, SVB and QT starting to bite

18-3-23 The real cost of Germany blocking the combustion engine ban

18-3-23 Pollution has reached geology: plastic waste forming rocks

17-3-23 Solar panels between railway tracks?

15-3-23 Inequality silenced: The 2018 RAND study that destroyed “trickle down”

14-3-23 Markets: SVB, QT + The 3 wildest years in modern economic history

14-3-23 Ocean plastic = Oil fields of the future?

13-3-23 Electricity out of thin air?

12-3-23 debunking myths around male and female brains

11-3-23 The politics of technocratic fixes – John Gray on the triumph of corporate newspeak

11-3-23 Green Deal, inflation, John Podesta, Andy Haldane and Stephen King

10-3-23 ft -How Cal Newport rewrote the productivity gospel – by Courtney Weaver

10-3-23 tls book review – Mother knows best – Insights into parenthood

9-3-23 Coinbase: “Crypto is the money of the future!” – ECB: “No it isn’t!”

7-3-23 US town to demand a rent decrease

7-3-23 BoE warns of ‘greedflation’ risk to consumers

3-3-23 ft: TikTok’s race to avoid a ban

2-3-23 The Key to Managing Inflation? Higher Wages by Blair Fix

2-23 Economist – Why there are so few babies in southern Europe

2-23 ESG sweatshops and greenhushing

28-2-23 Economist: Are the young falling out of love with cars?

27-2-23 ‘I Worked on Google’s AI. My Fears Are Coming True’ – by Blake Lemoine

27-2-23 Inflation: neither supply nor demand determined – by Domenica Tropeano

24-2-23 Timothée Parrique responds to Paul Krugman – Green growth is greenwashing.

2-23 ESG sweatshops and greenhushing

2-23 Markets: Recession or Soft Landing?

2-23 Dollarization is a Neo-Mercantilistic Economic System

20-2-23 Inflation, monetarism and the Volcker Myths by Eric Tymoigne

19-2-23 Charlie Chaplin criticising Winston Chuchill on the gold standard

19-2-23 Interest Rates and Inflation: Knives Out – by Blair Fix

17-2-23 Listen to indigenous people and watch biodiversity thrive by Minnie Degawan

16-2-23 Mariana Mazzucato’s Big Con reviewed

14-2-23 Will the Dollar be Dethroned?

8-2-23 AI, ChatGDP, pigeons, work and the Turing Test

7-2-23 Non-inflationary rate of wage growth and what’s wrong with NAIRU by Ilhan Dögüs

6-2-23 Henderson + Blanchford debating “inflation as distributional conflict”

5-2-23 CBDC’s coming soon(ish|)?

4-2-23 Blair Fix: Do High Interest Rates Reduce Inflation?

3-2-23 Peak Humanity and Singularity Within Decades?

3-2-23 The dark side of ESG: data ‘sweatshops’

2-2-23 ChatGPT About to Dump More Work on Everyone?

2-2-23 John Griffin – Whales again propping up too wondrous to be trusted bitcoin?

1-2-23 The New Irrationalism by John Bellamy Foster

31-1-23 MIT study finds huge carbon cost to self-driving cars

30-1-23 The Real Reasons For Big Tech Layoffs by Bernard Marr

30-1-23 How to spot greenhushing and other types of sophisticated greenwashing

26-1-23 Sustainability: “Mathematics for Humanity”

26-1-23 Oliver Blanchard’s Hetero Inflation – The Cause of Stagflation – by Blair Fix

20-1-23 Science won’t ever make philosophy or religion obsolete

20-1-23 Energy sustainablility – insulation versus rebound effect

19-1-22 Inequality – The growing wealth gap in Germany

19-1-23 Why Some Executives Wish E.S.G. ‘Just Goes Away’

18-1-23 Metaverse Landlords Are Creating a New Class System

17-1-23 Blair Fix: Is Stagflation not an Anomaly but a Business Strategy?

16-1-23 Mariana Mazzucato: Industrial strategy demands a new deal with the private sector

16-1-23 Thucydides Trenchant Insights – Rachel Hadas on US Democracy Now

1-23 But Seriously, How Do We Make an Entrepreneurial State?

1-23 Richard A Werner on how CBDC could be the end of banking

1-23 Vorgeschichte der Gegenwart – Wirtschafts- und Gesellschaftspolitik

14-1-23 GenZ continues eternal pay gap for women

14-1-23 anti-Semitism, class,inequality, migration and racism – new books reviewed

14-1-23 Maurice Höfgen: Statt MMT entzaubert Holger Zschäpitz sich selbst

11-1-23 Are we breathing airborne microplastics?

10-1-23 Logic underpins knowledge – but what if logic itself is flawed?

10-1-23 BRICS’ gold purchases undermining dollar hegemony

9-1-23 Das wahre Rentenproblem und seine Lösung von Maurice Höfgen

9-1-23 Blanchard, Krugman, Summers and Inflation – by J. K. Galbraith

7-1-23 Rutger Bregman: Why humans are kinder than at you think

7-1-23 New thinking at the end of the neoliberal tunnel by Vivan Storlund

6-1-23 Winners and losers in world trade – DW documentary on globalization

6-1-23 Bulls having and eating cake in spite of BlackRock doom and crypto pain

1-23 Donald Hoffman: Consciousness creates evolution

5-1-23 Number of UK households renting has doubled since 2001

4-1-23 Josiah Ober: Greek origins or rational choice theory

4-1-23 Social media anxiety increases pay gap for gen Z women – Jonathan Haidt

4-1-23 Boys will be boys’: why consumers don’t punish big polluters

4-1-22 Why 2023 will be a watershed year for climate litigation

2-1-23 CBDC projects picking up the pace in 2023

31-12-22 ft markets – end of of cheap money, polyexcuses of asset managers

31-12-22 Cognitive bias, overconfidence and the Dunning-Kruger Effect

29-12-22 optimistic climate scientist: climate change is a social issue

27-12-22 Amazon Packages Burn in India, Final Stop in Broken Recycling System

26-12-22 Dear Electric Vehicle Owners: You Don’t Need That Giant Battery

24-12-22 Big Crypto struggles with accounting – Metaverse lacks a leg to stand on

22-12-22 Rebound versus 35% pullback? Stockmarket forecasts for 2023

21-12-22 5 Metaverse Trends That Will Shape the Next Decade?

21-12-22 Seafloor microplastics have tripled in 20 years

12-2022 Richard Baldwin reviews Rana Foroohar’s post globalisation

17-12-22 FT: Is the great crypto crisis upon us?

17-12-22 Blair Fix: Inflation is always and everywhere differential

5-12-22 $65 Trillion in Dollar Debt Missing in Leveraged Blind Spot

3-12-22 Nurdles and hurdles: plastic pollution treaty likely to disappoint

12-22 Vor Drei Jahren : Die elf Billionen Dollar REPO Rettung

11-22 US opioid epidemic shows no sign of abating

30-11-22 ECB officials spot bitcoin on road to irrelevance

29-11-22 ECB warns of losses from paying interest on QE

28-11-22 Plastic Pollution negotiations now

24-11-22 Food for 8bn? Precision fermentation! by George Monbiot

24-11-22 100bn interest on reserves – you can’t stop it but you can tax it says Huw Pill

23-11-22 MIT: Automation drives income inequality

17-11-22 Standardized Testing and the Destruction of Education

19-11-22 wages & corporations: US income redistribution & hierarchical despotism – by Blair Fix

17-11-22 Ex-Black Rock executive writes book on sustainability beyond broken ESG

14-11-22 Roger Penrose on consciousness beyond computable physics

11-22 Beyond orthodox naturalism – The Steady Decline in Interest Rates

11-22 The Impotence of (orthodox) Monetary Policy

12-11-22 FT’s Stuart Kirk: The banking approach to net zero is just claptrap

12-11-22 FT on the crypto crash

12-11-22 FT lex – stock markets: bear scare

12-11-22 Market volatility hits pension prospects of millions

12-11-22 Borders are holding the world’s eight billion people back – Parag Khanna

12-11-22 Kafkaeske realities of US health care costs

10-11-22 Coming Soon: More than fifty small countries going bankrupt

7-11-22 Carbon billionaires emit a million times the average for someone in the bottom 90%

6-11-22 Arthur Hayes – Bitcoin&Banks versus CBDC?

3-11-22 I am 66 and my pension fund has plunged

3-11-22 The ‘Anthropocene engine’ of population growth and climate change

11-22 Dimitris Soudias reviews Plehwe, Slobodian & Mirowski’s Nine Lives of Neoliberalism

5-11-2022 Quantum or Phantom? FT’s Brendan Greely on the Fed’s leverage

11-11 Greta Thunberg’s Climate Book

3-11-22 Big agriculture warns farming on track to destroy the planet

2-11-22 Fed’s Powell: ‘Soft landing’ chances have narrowed

30-10-22 The first country in history to hit the limits of growth by Simon Kuper

28-10-22 Green investment not flowing West to South

25-10-22 Overpopulation versus Overconsumption

21-10-22 automobile greening – one Mircolino step forward – two SUV miles back

17-10-22 Inflation – something wrong with prevalent monetary policy ideas

17-10-22 Schneider Electric: greenest company yet?

17-10-22 Microlino Bubble – greenest (non)car yet?

15-10-22 Economist on Green Capitalism: The 1970s offer unhappy lessons

15-10-22 Central bank ‘tough love’ is here to stay by Katie Martin

15-10-22 Megathreats by Nouriel Roubini

15-10-22 BEAR NEWS- Stagflationary Crisis, Tipping Points , Giant Global Recession

12-10-22 Davis Kedrosky – From Slavery to Capitalism?

8-10-22 TheEconomist on Inflation – Regime Change and the End Of 2%

8-10-22 Bagehot – The UK’s accidental embrace of death-cult Osbornomics

8-10-22 FT – Are we expecting sovereign debt to do too much?

10-22 All Talk No Trousers – The Economist dumps ESG

3-10-22 Is woodburning DRAX UK’s biggest greenwash?

2-10-22 Risk – UK pension funds time bomb still ticking

10-22 Future Fishing news: Lanternfish and ‘infinity fish’

29-9-22 Dow Plunges Back into Bear Market – by Paul R. La Monica

29-9-22 monetary policy – contextualising BoE interventions

26-9-2022 Manure, Methane, and Mercantilism – by Paul Schwennesen

25-9-22 Free Trade Theory and Reality by Jeff Ferry

22-9-22 Roubini’s recession and the astrology of finance

19-9-22 US congress committee: Big Oil’s Gaslighting Greenwash

19-9-22 Electric Cars on a Road to Nowhere?

18-9-22 Why Inflation isn’t always what it seems – by Tim Harford

9-22 Climate crises: Africa is on the frontlines but not the front pages

9-22 Work Now – Katrina Forrester reviews Phil Jones and Eyal Press

18-2-22 FT-The market is not an end in itself – by Larry Kramer

9-22 Degrowth: culture, power and change – by Susan Paulson

12-9-22 The Invention of the Self – by Andrea Wulf

9-22 The Hegemony of GDP Growth – Matthias Schmelzer

9-22 Dusk of Dollar Dominance? China’s Yuan boosting its reserve status

9-22 Psychologist : we’ve been told devastating lies about mental health

8-9-22 Marx, Locke or Rawls? Philosophers on the Housing Crisis

6-9-22 ESG Can’t Square With Fiduciary Duty

9-22 Pakistan: Rich nations owe reparations to countries flooded by climate disaster

9-22 A Human History of Our Evolving Brain – by Joseph Jobelli

9-22 Trussononomics, Keynes and the Deficit – by Jonathan Portes

9-22 From Luddites to limits? Growth critiques in historical perspective

8-22 ESG is a Wolf in Sheep’s Clothing

28-2-22 Beware Hawks and Bear Traps as Fear Haunts Markets

27-8-22 ft book reviews: What kind of great power will India become?

27-8-22 www – the geopolitics of the splinternet

8-22 Latin America’s Inequality Fuels Populist Promise of Radical Change?

8-22 US Climate Bill Masks Scale of Warming Challenge

8-22 Nine Lives of Neoliberalismm + Wolfgang Streeck: Globalismus +Demokratie

6-8-22 ft: Felix Martin reviews Stefan Eich

8-22 Crash? Recession?

8-22 economist: Global inequality is rising again

8-22 Is Zuckerberg turning Facebook into Yahoo 2.0? – Therese Poletti

7-22 Sustainability of Civilisations & Long View of History – Karim Jaufeerally

7-22 Michael Hudson on the Ukraine War

7-22 How Addictive is TikTok?

7-22 Plastic Pollution: Final Destination Deep Sea

16-7-22 ft reviews Matthew Ball’s “The Metaverse”

16-7-22 ft- debt crisis – what Sri Lanka reveals about the risks

12-7-22 Have We Passed Peak Capitalism? – Blair Fix

11-7-22 Stephen Dover: Germany: Energy, Europe, and Evolution

5-7-22 Disturbing Recent Surge in Hyper-Potent Methane

7-22 Capitalism Versus Democracy? Politics in the Age of Eco Crises – Boris Frankel

7-22 ifo-institut: Ukraine-Krieg: Inflation und die Folgen – Clemens Fuest

7-22 heise.de- Inflation als gefährliches politisches Machtspiel – Yanis Varoufakis

28-6-22 Do we need a new theory of evolution? – Stephen Buranyi

25-6-22 ft – Crypto feels the shockwaves from its own ‘credit crisis’

25-6-22 ft – G7 – economists: recession ‘increasingly likely

25-6-22 maroonmacro – “Securitization” – Repo as a Driver of Securitization

9-6-22 Larry Summers: deep recession may be only way to end inflation

3-6-22 Isaiah McCall: YouTube is the next Myspace

3-6-22 Fink, Dimon and Musk have the blues – Mishtalk says not gloomy enough

29-5-2 observer – 50 years of climate crisis denial

5-22 Jonathan Haidt – www/politics -AFTER BABEL: Unique Stupidity of past 10 years

28-5-22 Recession or not, Wall Street’s Housing Grab bound to continue

25-5-22 telegraph – UK Windfall Tax Coming

20-5-22 Inflation will go away -In the meantime here’s how to deal with it – Richard Murphy

5-22 businessinsider – Market Headed for Near-Biblical Reckoning in Summer from Hell

5-22 guardian – Inequality Dangerously Mis-Explained? Steven Poole reviews Oded Galor

16-2-22 bloomberg – Fund Managers Jump Into ESG Biodiversity Niche

16-5-22 Davis Kedrosky-The New Historical Economics-What does it do? Who is it for?

15-5-22 DieZeit – Warum ist Geld Politisch? Oliver Weber interviewt Stefan Eich

15-5-22 FT – Joe Rennison’s junk bonds – John Dizard’s next crash

14-5-22 FT- Week shook crypto-Scott Chipolina-Katie Martin-FTX-Sam Bankman-Fried

12-5-22 Aron Sahr- Monetäre Maschine rezensiert von Florian Geisler, Andreas Kremla 

12-5-22 Quantum Wittgenstein – Metaphysical debates don’t get at ‘truth’

10-5-22 Eco Crisis – The kids are not ok – Julia Steinberger

10-5-22 Free speech – Elon Musk on same legal page as EU

8-5-22 Scientists – Re-Use 57 million tonnes of discarded electronics, or else

7-5-22 Economist: TFP iffy, Solow faulty and techno progress overrated

5-22 Prehistoric women were hunters and artists as well as mothers

4-22 Simply Keynes by Roger Backhouse

7-5-22 Economist: Facebook’s retirement plan

7-5-22 Democracy? Martin Wolf on Yasha Mounk’s The Great Experiment

7-5-22 Elon Musk to load Twitter with debt

3-5-22 Sanctions: Beginning of the End for the Dollar?

2-5-22 Will Hutton reviews Oded Galor’s Journey of Humanity

1-5-22 Precarious flexibility of work: Uberisation’ is spreading its tentacles across society

3-22 Vergesellschaftung des Geldkraftwerks – Stefan Eich rezensiert Aaron Sahr

29-4-22 Scientists Warn of Looming Mass Ocean Extinction

23-4-22 Consensus Mechanisms in Traditional versus Decentralized Finance

22-4-22 work redefining GenZ does not dream of labor

20-4-22 Blue acceleration’ is supercharging ocean exploitation

17-4-22 FT: Blockchain’s green revolution alarms climate experts

17-4-22 Rampant Inequality makes citizens unhappy

14-4-22 Civilisation – Hierarchical states’ dependence on appropriable cereal grains

15-2-22 US Housing Affordability Declines Nearly 23 Percent

14-4-22 Our food system isn’t ready for the climate crisis

14-4-22 BIS:CBDCs in emerging market economies

13-4-22 68% of U.S. execs admit their companies are guilty of greenwashing

4-22 Blair Fix: The Voldemort Index of Entitlement, Power and Inequality

12-4-22 Steve Keen: This Ain’t Your Daddy’s Inflation

12-4-22 Envirnoment Chief James Bevan: Criminal Plastic Exports Need Banning

2-4-22 Crypto vs gold: the search for an investment bolt hole

3-2022 Maurice Höfgen – Das sagt die MMT nicht, Professor Schnabel

1-4-22 A Free Lunch for Me, but Not for Thee – Stephanie Kelton replies to David Kelly

1-4-22 Deep sea’s future decided behind closed doors

1-4-22 Barclays addressing potential CBDC fragmentation

31-1-22 John H. Cochrane: Will inflation persist?

31-3-22 IMF warns Russia sanctions threaten to chip away at dollar dominance

3-22 Legacy of Violence: A History of the British Empire by Caroline Elkins

3-22 Economist: Trading with the enemy

24-3-22 Maldevelopment indices to replace GDP metrics?

24-3-22 RWEreview: MMT, post-Keynesians and currency hierarchy

24-3-22 RWEreview: Why not Sovereign Money AND Job Guarantee?

17-3-22 Yanis Varoufakis: Central banks must not fail on inflation

16-3-22 Edward Snowden Slams Central Bank Digital Currencies

16-3-22 Greenwashing Is Increasingly Making ESG Moot

16-3-22 A 50-year argument: Are there limits to economic growth?

15-3-22 MMT auf deutsch -Eine Einführung von Dirk Ehnts

14-3-22 Russia, Ukraine, and China by Stephen Dover

12-3-22 FT: How facebook’s Libra cryptocurrency dream died

11-3-22 China’s aging population is key to its success plan

10-3-22 Executive order into CBDC and crypto: War awakes Biden to digital money

1-2022 Citizen participation during COVID-19 in the city of Pinar del Río

9-3-22  Lawsuits to follow ‘historic’ plastic waste deal

8-3-22 CO2 emissions rebound to highest level in history

7-3-22 Monetäre Kriegsführung – von Aaron Sahr

7-3-22 IPCC report acknowledges role of Big Oil misinformation

7-3-22 Has yuan become Russia’s new dollar?

5-3-22 War and sanctions means higher inflation

4-3-22 Archeologists in China unearth ‘innovative’ Stone Age culture

28-2-22 Electrify Everything’ by Saul Griffith – electrification and abundance

21-2-22 ‘Peak Stupid’ – Cataclysmic Market Warning Issued

19-2-22 FT: Investors brace for central banks’ retreat from bond markets

18-2-22 Low Millennial financial well-being drives crypto adoption

17-2-22 The next financial crisis will be stamped ‘made in China’ ?

15-2-22 African countries must protect their fish stocks from the European Union

15-2-22 Net zero banks keep pouring money into the dirtiest fossil fuel

15-2-22 Anti Ambition, Great Resignation and the Work Ethic

15-2-22 Faulty computing – The guily are rewarded for criminalising 735 innocent P.O. workers

15-2-22 Lindner holt Freiburger Ortho-Ordo-Liberal Prof züruck auf’s Feld

15-2-22 Marketers are arriving in the metaverse. Now what?

12-2-22 TheEconomist: Next Financial Crisis Crash – What If?

10-2-22 Forbes: Whis is Inflation so High?

9-2-22 Diami Virgilio: What Comparisons Between Second Life and the Metaverse Miss

8-2-22 Troubled DRC palm plantation backed by Gates et al

3-2-22 Housing wealth setting new records

22-22 wired: Britcoin is Coming. UK Treasury Woefully Underprepared

1-2-22 Britain becoming feudal in its disparities

31-1-22 Yanis Varoufakis: The political economy of crypto, metaverse, web3

29-1-22 Economist: QT no substitute for higher interest rates

30-1-22 visualcapitalist charts $5 Trillion in Fossil Fuel Subsidies

29-1-22 Inflation: raising rates is not the answer

25-1-22 McKinsey: $9tn/year required to avoid most catastrophic climate impacts

24-1-22 Graeber&Wengrow’s New Dawn of Everything: more fresh reviews

25-1-22 Lords: Osborne’s help to buy costly waste of 29bn

23-1-22 David Harvey’s New Course: The ABC of Contemporary Capital

20-1-22  Create or not create: Fed releases study on a digital dollar

17-1-22 CoP failure: global warming could reach 4C by end of this century

16-1-22 Robert Reich: Corporate sedition more damaging than Capitol attack

15-1-2022 to 24-12-2021 hetero highlights&NeueWirtschaft – annotated updates here

23/12/21 Markets buying and not buying Fed’s hikes

23/12/21  The Problem with ESG in one chart

 22/12/21 Musk, Diehl, Dorsey debunking web3

20/12/2021 Was Bert Flossbach vom Börsenjahr 2022 erwartet

 20/12/21 Douglass North by Davis Kedrosky

19/12/21 Pelletier&Macy: Sacklers Don’t Deserve another Oxycontin Pass 

17/12/21 Inflation: Schreckgespenst der „Lohn-Preis-Spirale“

17/12/21 biodiversity crisis needs its net zero moment

17/12/21 Inflation spike prompts MPC to raise rates to 0.25% 

16/12/21 ethical investment beyond “do no harm”

15/12/21 Microbes evolving to eat plastic

13/12/21 Gross Ecosystem Product- GEP to replace GDP

12/12/21 Scott Sumner, Matt Yglesias – aligning monetary policy views 

9/12/21 The Japanification of the Eurozone

 12/21 MSCI ratings show why ESG will be next mis-selling scandal

12/21 Billionaires’ wealth soars as pandemic widens inequality

12/21 Satyajit Das: We are all MMT guinea pigs in money experiment

8/12/2021 Glimpse of a Quantum Ghost

8/12/2021 Microplastics cause damage to human cells

7/12/2021  Do Tipping Oceans Point toward Extinction?

5/12/2021  Could YOUR inflation be 3×4%=12%?

12/21 Meta Studie: Fixierung auf erhöhte Staatsschuldenquoten überdenken!

11/21 H Flassbeck & K Reich zu CoP & Nachhaltigkeitskrise : So Nicht

4/12/2021 Markets: Powell Pivots Omicron to Volatility

4/12/21 Geert Mak + Cees Nooteboom Europe books reviewed

4/12/21  The Great Resignation – ft reviews work books 

2/12/2021 India’s population shrinkage preponed

12/2021 Nigel Warburton’s top 5 philosophy books

2/12/2021 Climate costs: Bjørn Lomborg caught cheating (again?)

2/12/2021 Ocean plastic is creating new high seas communities

2/12/21 ECJ advises against Poland and Hungary

1/12/21 Eurozone Inflation soars to 4.9%

1/12/21  FED’s Powell retires “that word transitory” and hints at tapering

11/21 CasP/Blair Fix: Inflation is always a phenomenon of structural change

29/11/21   Eco-architecture – ‘floating continent’ to collect and recycle ocean plastic 

29/11//21  2000 BC: Vanished Advanced Chinese Civilization Resurfaces

28/11/21 Guardian’s A. Anthony reviews  P. R. Keefe’s Empire of Pain 

28/11/21  J Mizrahi: Don’t be fooled by Australia’s GDP growth

27/11/21  Simon Kuper’s third way on ‘wokeness’

27/11/21  In the Crosshairs of marketing – FT reviews Ryan Busse’s “Gunfight” & Tim Mark’s “Misfire”

26/11/21  John Plender : Powell’s poisoned chalice  

11-2021 Mapping the irrecoverable carbon in Earth’s ecosystems/

27/11/21  Draghi urges EU to confront ‘inevitable’ reform of fiscal rules

26/11/21 How world’s major economies are dealing with spectre of inflation

25/11/21 CBDC – BoE’s Andrew Bailey: no stablecoin but 20% Britcoin

24/11/21 Dirk Niepelt considers outlook of CBDC projects

24/1/2021 Eco plastic from oily whale sperm

23/11/21 BoE will never unwind quantitative easing  by Richard Murphy

23/11/21 Mervyn King rebukes Canute’s theory of inflation

23/11/21  Industrial fishing breaks Fundamental Ocean Law 

23/11/21 CSS: storing carbon while drilling won’t cap crisis

22/11/21   Bank of Mum n Dad feeds opportunity hoarders

21/11/21 Modern Monetary Theory Isn’t the Future. It’s Here Now.

20/11/2021 Japan unveils direct finance helicopter

20/11/2021 ft fears markets frothing over

20/11/2021 Modi abandons unpopular farm reforms

20/11/2021 Climate denial morphs into fear of rampant immigration

20/11/2021 FT now Living with Inflation

11/2021 Wittgenstein’s “Tractatus” at 100  By Jared Marcel

16/11/2021 What’s Wrong With ESG : E.g. Ohio

21/11/2021 How Friedman mistook Walras for Marshall – Victor Beker

9/2021  Metaverse Technology: Jon Radoff unpacks the Hype

11/2021 New Theory for  Nonreciprocal Systems

16/11/2021 Farmers Digging their Own Graves not Sustainable

15/11/2021 Greenwashing: Deceptive Welfare Labelling on Animal Products

14/11/2021 Would Mises buy Bitcoin?

11/2021 ESG investing has a blind spot: Supply chains

14/11/2021 Plastic pollution: Can seaweed end problem?

11/2021 Dawn of Everything – more reviews

12/11/2021 Fed’s inflation call is one of the worst, Mohamed El-Erian says

11/11/2021 FR: Brüssel und EZB drängen auf Bankenunion

11/2021  BBC: Zuckerberg’s metaverse: Lessons from Second Life

11/2021  David Orrell shows up in The Economist

11/2021 Skimpflation Everywhere.

9/11/2021  Plastic ‘Nurdles’ pollute our oceans

9/11/2021 Six reasons to blame plastic pollution for climate change

9/11/2021  sciencenews reviews Dawn of Everything 

8/11/2021  John L. Bowman- ESG Label to Be Dismantled

8/11/2021 David Gerard’s “Libra Shrugged” – how LIBRA forced CBDC

8/11/2021 Scientists pour cold water on Bill Gates’ nuclear plans

7/11/2021 How millennials got screwed and own nothing

6/11/2021 US state taking on an oil giant for greenwashing

5/11/2021  Could inflation be good? by Stephen Dover

4/11/2021 Oil pooring into plastics at record rate

11/2021 Why ESG won’t save us babyboomers don’t care

3/11/2021 Zuckerberg’ Meta: Share your time and money trapped in his fantasy 

2/11/2021  facebook greenwashing world’s worst polluters 

1/11/2021  precarious workers once-in-a-generation upper hand?

29/10/2021 AI professor: AI spooking AI

10/2021 From Economic Fantasy to Ecological Reality – Steve Keen on Dietz et al

28/10/2021  Who should pay the world’s climate debt

26/10/2021  The Age of Discovery – entirely wrong how we think about it

26/10/2021  Conditioning an entire society’: the rise of biometric data

10/2021  Auf Wiedersehen! Jens Weidmann resigns

10/2021 plastic waste the next asbestos?

25/10/2021 Markets Playing Chicken with Central Bankers

25/10/2021  Investors : MMT here to stay 

25/10/2021  UK Millionaires demand wealth tax 

24/10/2021  Modelling the Matthew Effect : Redistributing Income Through Hierarchy

23/10/2021  G7 financial leaders reach agreement on digital currencies

21/10/2021 ESG -Activist tsunami is coming to Silicon Valley

21/10/2021 Who should pay the world’s climate debt?

20/10/2021  “His economic ideas are conservative banalities.”  Adam Tooze on FDP’s Lindner

19/10-2021  ECB’s Fabio Panetta on the international dimension of  CBDCs

19/10-2021  New Nara bacterium may help solve plastic pollution 

17/10/2021 Actor Harewood meets Earl: ‘My ancestors were your family’s slaves’

16/10/2021  Economist on Poland’s “Dirty Remain”

10/2021  A CasP  Analysis of  Google’s Differential Power

10/2021  Bofinger etal zur deutschen Ordo Ortho Oekonomie und Walter Eucken    

10/2021 Future Food by TheEconomist

11/2021  NET webinar : Dissecting capitalism – past present future >Inequality<

16/10/2021  German Ampel brackets Black Zero: “Don’t mention the Schuldenbremse”

16/10/2021  ESG alphas : Is wrapping moneymaking into dogooding an ethical issue?

16/10/2021  Pinterest Discrimination Whistleblower leads charge against NDA

15/10/2021  Spar Gespenst Lindner: Angst und Hoffnung in der EU

11/10/2021  Nobel economics prize rewards work on minimum wage

10/2021  Carbon removal cost could be paid by ‘carbon debtors’=emitters

9/10/2021  Three reasons why EU, too, now worries about inflation

9/10/2021  Pexit, Poexit, Polexit – maybe yes, maybe no

7/10/2021 Zuckerberg’s ‘second realm’ metaverse valued at $3.1tn

10/2021 Guardian review : Hot Air by Peter Stott

10/2021 Is Biomass Greenwash?

6/10/2021 IMF : Fossil fuel industry gets subsidies of $11m a minute

6/10/2021  Southern voices found muted as climate science earns Nobel

5/10/2021 Pandora Papers leaking more off shore shell companies

5/102021 “Greta is right” says Mars manager 

10/2021 current bail-in design still unstable but reforms unlikely

10/2021 economy shafting millennials, thrifting Gen Z each other

 0/2021 UK inflation to eclipse US and eurozone’s – carbon tax deflationary

3/10/2021 Greensill : Swiss police raid Credit Suisse

29/9/2021 ESG Buzzword axed as Greenwash Rules Bite 

29/9/2021 Green growth’ doesn’t exist

28/9/2021 Don’t sideline plastic problem, nations urged

25/9/2021 It’s now or never for US digital currency

23/9/2021  young people & climate anxiety  EN DEU FR ES etc,

21/9/2021 The dynamics of cooperation, power, and inequality

20/9/2021 Why the Fed might welcome a bond market tantrum

20/9/2021 BIS warns of green asset bubble risk

19/9/2021 How Cecil Rhodes helped inspire the first world war    

18/9/2021 James Howard-Johnston: The Last Great War of Antiquity

16/9/2021 Ocean Cleanup struggles to fulfill promise to scoop up plastic at sea

19/9/2021 Quantum ‘time crystal’  could change physics forever 

17/9/2021 Some early crypto enthusiasts have bailed on the sector

15/9/2021 – Carbon-removal plant switched on

13 9 2021   What drives house prices: Lessons from the literature 

13/9/2021 The Spectre of Inflation : EZB’s Schnabel entsorgt deutsche Inflationsängste – EN&DEU

12/9/2021 National Insurance increase consigns levelling up to bonfire of easy promises

9/9/2021   Big oil’s ‘wokewashing’ is the new climate science denialism

07 09 2021  economists : research should be more relevant, multidisciplinary, disruptive and diverse

9/2021 No Objective Reality?!

3/9/2021 Purdue Pharma escapes opioid liability through bankruptcy “loophole”

1/9/2021 Europeans want their countries, not EU, to regulate crypto

1/9/2021  Scott Sumner’s “Money Illusion” blog now as a book

1/9/2021 Regulators Intensify ESG Scrutiny as Greenwashing Explodes

26/8/2021  wishful optimism no cure for covid inequality

23/8/2021  China’s digital yuan a warning to the world?

23/8/2021 book: The Politics of safety by Amia Srinivasan

21/8/2021 Fancy Black Rock’s Greenwash Placebos

20/8/2021 Fokus Jackson Hole – Höhere Leitzinsen fuer weder Dollar noch Euro

20/8/2021 The euro area Phillips curve: Damaged but not dead

18/8/2021 Mark Zuckerberg’s Metaverse already sucks

8/2021 book: John Lewis COOP – a business familiy

8/2021 What God, Quantum Mechanics and Consciousness Have in Common

8/2021 Frantzen’s hopeful realism ?

8/2021 Daniel Saunders Dialectical Ecology

8/2021 Monetary policy and inequality 

6/8/2021 Anglo Inflation Crescendo?

6/8/2021 Gulf Stream Collapsing?

4/8/2021 Watch Opioid Billionnaire Sackler Purchase Litigation Shield

3/8/2021 Branco Milanovic on Eurocentrism in Economics

3/8/2021 Shake up Europe’s fiscal rules says Irish Banker

3/8/2021 Future Monetary System will be Crypto

1/8/2021 The patriarchy of economics

8/2021 Gates’ Agro-Greening Harming African Farming 

8/2021 Six Modes of Co-Production for Sustainability

8/2021 What happened when US Paid Off All Its Debt

7/2021 Decolonising Ecological Science

7/2021 DeGrowth perspective on Corona

7/2021 Three Degree World Has No Safe Place

31/7/2021 Big investors demand vote on hollow net zero pledges

30/7/2021 Biffa breaks record in recycling acid exports into Greenwash

29/7/2021 Inflationsgefahr auf deutsch

29/7/2021 Zuckerberg metaversing facebook to cash&carry avatar currencies

Die rätselhafte Soziologie des Geldes

28/7/2021 Confirmed: NZ bunkers best for apocalyptic transition

28/07/2021 Credit Suisse :The Marginal Consquences of Zero Diligence

28/7/2021 Pope’s Laudatio Si Demands DeGrowth

23/7/2021 How green are green cars?

22/7/2021 IMF finds increasing market power impedes monetary effectiveness

22/7/2021 Central banks can’t reduce inequality says NatWest Davies

22/7/2012 TheTimes: CBDC gamble may not pay off?

21/7/2021 How iffy is baby boomer economists’ ingrained “theory” of inflation?

20/7/2021 Europe wrong to worry about inflation?

19/7/2021 plastic into sand&cement

19/7/2021 next crash triggered by climate change?

15/7/2021 the FT’s wild rides on crypto horses

15/7/2021 Euro CBDC sees Bitcoin bite the dust?

4/2021  Paradigm War: A Distinct Indigenous Vision

11/7/2021 Value(s) : Bitcoin writes letter to Mark Carney

11/7/2021   ECB prefers evidence over dogma

9/7/2021  Digitaler Euro: Anonym wie Bargeld – China versus Bitcoin – Covid accelerates CBDC

9/7/2021  75 years later: LEGO recycles

9/7/2021 Napkin Laffer’s Monetary Genius

9/7/2021 bitcoin bubbling up hyperinflation?

5/7/2021 What do children think of economic inequality? 

6/21 cloud spraying tipping points of no return

6/21  One in Five UK adults has less £100 in savings

6/2021  zero emissions hydrogen cars?

6/2021 microbes convert waste plastic into vanillin

28/6/2021  Inflation a Risk for U.S. Bank Credit

27/6/2021  CBDCs – geopolitical relevance , BIS sees opportunities, Swiss report says NO 

24/6/2021 BIS backs CBDCs to beat bitcoin, stablecoins and Big Tech

12/6/2021 Basel’s Tough Love for Crypto

11/6/2021 Vegan spider silk superseding plastic?

10/6/2021 inflation pressures FED + hikes Ruble rates

10/6/2021 G7 delaying break with fossil fuel industries 

9/6/2021 American banking lobby hits out at CBDCs

9/6/2021  MMT, Crypto and Basic Income for All

6/2021 Hitler’s Hjalmar Schacht : pariah pioneer of MMT?

5/2021 Fed cornered says Roubini

3/2021 IMF figures negative rates stable

7/6/2021 The world’s forgotten greenhouse gas

25/5/2021  long population slide not necessarily a disaster

15/5/2021 Jump Scare? asks the Economist ahead of FT’s summer of inflation

13/5/2021  UK reviews of Empire of Pain – OxyContin? The things the Sacklers knew!

 7/5/2021 Rise of the middle class in the 20th century was wildly overstated

12/5/2021 ECB wants race to the top of global ESG standards

5/2021  Karlsruhe shines a light on the murk of emissions targets

6/5/2021 Wealth Inequality in Cryptocurrencies

5/2021  oceans of biodegradable plastics not degrading

9/4/2021  rush to electric cars may harm environment and snuff out valuable alternatives

4/2021 What decolonising economics meant in India   by Tirthankar Roy

17/4/2021  Apropo Branko Milanovic’ Great Leveller? It ain’t neccessarily so says fresh research 

14/4/2021 rs  The great danger is not climate denial but climate delay.

10/4/2012  ft  figures Biden’s taxes brave and bold

10/4/2021  ft  Nobel Robert Mundell dies ahead of non optimal Euro

9/4/2021  bbc does  reality check on Netflix’s Seaspiracy

6/4/2021 bloomberg  Don’t Let China Mint the Money of the Future – Nial Ferguson

3/21  tls  “Save the jetset” – Ann Pettifor on Bill Gates